My 1st Month on Medium: Here’s My Stats

I’m grateful Medium allows me to play even a small part in this global community

Long. Sweet. Valuable.


Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

My fingers glided across the keyboard, crafting each sentence with care. One month ago, I stepped into the unfamiliar realm of Medium, uncertain if my words would find an audience.

Little did I know the adventures that awaited..

Like an explorer stumbling upon a hidden oasis, I uncovered a community bursting with creativity. Writers from across the globe conversed in the binary language of literature.

The first story trembled as I clicked “publish”, opening the floodgates of my imagination. Bolstered by words of encouragement from early followers, my confidence grew.

Before long, I was churning out stories faster than a Starbucks barista on a Monday morning. The more I wrote, the more fluid the words flowed.

Sure, there were late nights spent hunched over my laptop, grumbling as I deleted entire paragraphs before banging my head on the desk wondering if I’d ever string together a coherent sentence. More than once, I collapsed onto my bed thinking,

“That’s it, I’m done!”

only to be lured back by the blinking cursor’s siren call.

But that’s the perverse beauty of writing, isn’t it?

There is no “winning” or finish line except hitting your daily word count goals and completing each piece. For no sooner than you ink those final words, another idea begins percolating in your mind, just waiting to be told.

We write to discover who we are while connecting with others going through the same journey.

This first month on Medium has proven that passion lies in the process, not just in attaining goals and milestones. Consistency and showing up day after day is the true victory. The gains are sweeter when the journey involves personal growth.

The stats?

In a month, I had amassed over 500 followers and published 60 stories. While I was not yet part of Medium’s partnership program, the sheer joy of transforming thoughts into text was reward enough. The validation of readers enjoying my work was the sweet cherry on top.

Screenshot of the author’s followers count, showing a total of 546

My stories have already garnered over 13,000 views and 8,000 reads!

Screenshot of the author’s story stats, showing a total of 13.5k views and 8.3k reads

My most popular non-boosted article, “The Day I Learned I Was Nobody”, seemed to resonate with our rushed society. Within days, the views soared past 2,700, proof that my words could make a meaningful impact.

Screenshot of the author’s story stats, showing a total of 2.8k views and 1.8k reads

Who knew my evening walks with audiobooks would resonate with so many people?

Three other stories also received the honor of being “boosted” (thanks a lot Benjamin Cain 😭), and placed on virtual pedestals for more readers to discover.

Screenshot of the author’s story stats, showing 3 boosted stories

All this in a single month!

I was floating on a lexicographic high. But just as a rollercoaster must descend after one peak, so too did my rapid writing pace begin to slow. The constant creation was draining, and I found myself seeking more balance.

There were times I battled writer’s block, questioning if I had any original ideas to share. But I’ve learned not to judge the creative process too harshly. More often than not, simply sitting down to write would get the juices flowing again. Ideas started to pour out once my fingers tapped the keyboard.

Seeing the breadth of creativity from other writers on Medium has certainly inspired me. The community here is so supportive. Even a simple clap on an article motivates me to keep growing. Constructive feedback in the comments has helped strengthen my skills.

So I shall keep writing, not for views or acclaim, but for the joy of stitching words together like quilt squares to tell the human story. Our lives are woven of language, each sentence a thread waiting to be spun into tales.

And my own tale has only just begun.

If I help even one more person reflect on how to live with more purpose and productivity, then I’ve achieved my goal. Our paths may be different, but the human experience that connects us all remains the same. I’m grateful Medium allows me to play even a small part in this global community.

Here’s to whatever the next month may bring! I suspect it will be filled with many more lessons, victories, stumbles, and smiles. Thanks for being part of my Medium journey so far.

Let’s see how high we can soar together in 2024! ✨



Long. Sweet. Valuable.

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Philosophy, and Economy