Flutter Community

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Flutter PageView Widget

Flutter Community
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2020


A simple way to swipe between screens

This article was updated for Flutter 3.3 on January 9, 2023.

If you haven’t already seen the Flutter Widget of the Week video about PageView, watch that first. The rest of this article is based on it.

The video showed you the essence of what PageView does. This article will fill out the code for you to play with. Scroll down to the end to get the full code demo, or just open this project on DartPad.

The basics

A PageView allows the user to swipe between different screens in your app. All you need to set it up are a PageViewController and a PageView.


Put the PageViewController inside the State of a StatefulWidet and initialize it inline or in the initState() method.

final _controller = PageController(
initialPage: 0,

Here it’s initialized inline. The initialPage parameter set to 0 means that the first widget child of the PageView will be shown first (since it’s a zero-based index).

Then dispose the controller in the State’s onDispose() method:

void dispose() {


After that all you have to do is set the controller on the PageView and give it some children that you want to swipe between.

controller: _controller,
children: const [

Here’s what that looks like:

horizontal paging

And here is that code code in context:

class PageViewDemo extends StatefulWidget {
const PageViewDemo({super.key});



Flutter Community
Flutter Community

Published in Flutter Community

Articles and Stories from the Flutter Community


Written by Suragch

Flutter and Dart developer. Twitter: @suragch1, Email: suragch@suragch.dev

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