Did You Ever Love Me?

Because for a time, you made me believe I could soar

Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2024


The question burned in my heart as I watched you pack the last box into your car. Did you ever really love me? Or was it all a beautiful illusion, as ephemeral as the sunset fading over the horizon?

I thought back to our beginning when everything was new and full of wonder. The nervous energy on our first date as we danced around each other, cautiously revealing our souls. Were the butterflies I felt then just myths conjured by love-starved hearts?

Or the first time you held my hand, your fingers interlaced with mine like perfect puzzle pieces. Your palm felt so warm and welcoming. Was my heart racing only from my imagination running wild?

That first electrifying kiss under the stars, the night I first slept cradled in your arms — were those moments real? Or just my naïve heart seeing what it wanted to believe was there?

We moved in together, blending our lives seamlessly like milk poured gently into tea. Two streams converge into one river, flowing as one. Or so I believed. Did our love ever truly mingle? Or did you keep a divide to protect your real self?

There were whispers of trouble. Canceled dates, emotional distance, strange text messages. But I swallowed my doubts and clung to rationalizations, too terrified to confront the cracks in our foundation. Easier to pretend the problems didn’t exist.

After all, love conquers all…right?

But then your words turned from warm whispers to cool critiques. Once overflowing with admiration, your eyes now glanced right through me, seeing only flaws and disappointments.

Were my faults so glaring? Or did your heart simply stop searching for the goodness within me, fixating only on imperfections once the newness wore off?

The warm embraces turned to cold shoulders. Laughter morphed into loaded sighs. Communicating caused more pain than joy. But still, I bargained with myself to try harder, give more, and be better. I believed effort could resuscitate our dried-up love.

Until one day you met my hopeful gaze with apathy. In that instant, I saw the undeniable truth. The spark had died long ago; only lingering obligation remained.

In my heart, I had begged and pleaded,

“Oh please, love me again!”

While yours had stopped truly caring at all.

Were we fooling ourselves, forcing a deadened relationship on life support? I wanted to go back to the beginning and rekindle the flame with questions. Did you ever really love me fully? Wholly? Honestly? Or was I living an illusion, seeing mirages of love you never felt?

Now I watch you drive away down the street, a trail of dust in your wake. I may never know the truth. Our love left no forwarding address, only unanswered questions swirling through the hollow chambers of my heart.

Perhaps you did love me, truly and deeply, before the realities of life slowly diffused it away. Or maybe you only wanted to love me, but never let yourself fall completely.

Does the reason even matter anymore? The outcome is the same:

A dream of forever love is now extinct.

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Yet as I turn back towards the home we shared, feelings of anger and grief slowly dissipate. In their place blooms gratitude, quietly but firmly taking root. However real or imaginary, I will treasure the glimpses of loving I tasted, brief but beautiful.

For even an illusion of love nurtures the soul. Its reflective light, though a mirage, illuminates hidden scars so they can heal. Gently, it awakens hardened hearts to remember tenderness. And for a while, it carries us home.

So I release you now with forgiven sadness, but zero regret. Loving deeply, even when it’s not mutual, blesses our humanity. Its impressions soften us for the sake of others.

Perhaps one day I will find a love both true and lasting. Yet even if I never feel passion so electric and mutual again, I will be forever changed.

The stubs of wings you helped unfold can now never fully close. Because for a time, you made me believe I could soar. And though you are now gone, having tasted flight, I will continue seeking open skies.

So fly free, my lovely illusion. And know you blessed me more than you’ll ever comprehend. Loving you helped me love myself, unlocking a whole new world of possibility.

Now when I gaze out at the sunset’s fading embers, I see not just endings, but the promise of new dawns. And in my heart, no longer heavy, hope burns — a steady flame you helped ignite within me.

So I will walk forward with neither bitterness nor regret. The question that haunted me now loses its grip: did you ever truly love me? For I see now that the real gift was learning, finally, to truly love myself.

And that, my dear, is the most real magic of all.




Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Philosophy, and Economy