Join PancakeSwap’s LISTA IFO via Cakepie

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4 min readJun 13, 2024


Join PancakeSwap’s LISTA IFO via Cakepie

As the leading veCAKE holder with over 10.9 million locked CAKE tokens, Cakepie is eligible to participate in the upcoming LISTA IFO from Lista DAO on PancakeSwap. This significant holding allows Cakepie to commit up to 10.9 million CAKE in the IFO event. Cakepie users will be able to join the LISTA IFO through Cakepie’s IFO page.

Who can participate in the LISTA IFO via Cakepie?

1. mCAKE Stability Vault stakers (mCAKE SV in cool down does not qualify)

2. mCAKE/CAKE liquidity providers (Users need to spend mCAKE/CAKE LP via Cakepie’s IFO page to purchase LISTA IFO quota)

How much CAKE can be committed by users?

A. At the beginning of the sale (Stage A):

1. mCAKE SV Stakers — Each mCAKE in the Stability Vault gets 1 CAKE commit quota (guarenteed quota). Once the LISTA IFO starts on PancakeSwap, mCAKE SV stakers will be able to contribute CAKE tokens to acquire LISTA through Cakepie’s IFO page.

Example: You have 10 mCAKE SV tokens, which grant you the right to commit up to 10 CAKE tokens via Cakepie’s IFO page during “Stage A”.

B. 6 hours after the sale starts (Stage B):

1. mCAKE SV Stakers — Each mCAKE deposited within the mCAKE Stability Vault will receive 1 CAKE commit quota (First come first served).

Example: You have 10 mCAKE SV tokens, which grant you access to commit up to 10 CAKE tokens via Cakepie’s IFO page during “Stage B”.

2. mCAKE/CAKE liquidity providers — Users can utilize mCAKE/CAKE LP to purchase commit quotas. During “Stage B”, each mCAKE/CAKE LP token can purchase 15 CAKE commit quotas, with a maximum of 5,462,500 CAKE commit quotas available for purchase (First come first served).

Example: You spend 10 mCAKE/CAKE LP tokens, which grant you access to purchase up to 150 CAKE commit quotas since each mCAKE/CAKE LP token can purchase 15 CAKE commit quotas during “Stage B”. To purchase the CAKE quota, users need to spend their mCAKE/CAKE LP Tokens via Cakepie’s IFO page.

Note: The received mCAKE/CAKE LP will be sent to the Cakepie treasury as protocol-owned liquidity. The rewards generated will be automatically compounded back into the mCAKE/CAKE LP to support the peg.

C. 18 hours after the sale starts (Stage C):

1. mCAKE SV Stakers — Each mCakeSV will receive 3 CAKE commit quotas. (First come first served)

Example: You have 10 mCAKE SV tokens, which grant you access to commit up to 30 CAKE tokens via Cakepie’s IFO page during “Stage C”.

2. mCAKE/CAKE liquidity providers — Each mCAKE/CAKE LP token can purchase 30 CAKE commit quotas, with a maximum of 10,925,000 CAKE commit quotas available for purchase (First come first served).

Example: You spend 10 mCAKE/CAKE LP tokens, which grant you access to purchase up to 300 CAKE commit quotas since each mCAKE/CAKE LP token can purchase 30 CAKE commit quotas during “Stage C”. To purchase the CAKE commit quota, users need to spend their mCAKE/CAKE LP Tokens via Cakepie’s IFO page.

Note: mCAKE/CAKE LP spent by users in “Stage B” will automatically turn into a 30x multiplier during “Stage C.”

D. Last hour before the sale ends (Stage D):

1. mCAKE SV Stakers — Each mCAKE SV will receive 5 CAKE commit quotas (FCFS).

Example: You have 10 mCAKE SV tokens, which grant you access to commit up to 50 CAKE tokens via Cakepie’s IFO page during “Stage D”.

LISTA Distribution

During the IFO, we will commit the amount of accumulated CAKE through the Cakepie smart contract. After the IFO concludes, we receive LISTA, which will be distributed 100% to the mCAKE Stability Vault IFO participants and mCAKE/CAKE LPs who purchased quota and contributed CAKE, along with a refund of any excess CAKE that was returned from IFO oversubscription. The LISTA tokens will be distributed in proportion to the amount of CAKE committed by each user.

Example: If the Cakepie smart contract commits a total of 10M CAKE and receives 100K LISTA from IFO, and a user has committed 100K CAKE (which is 1% of the total CAKE committed by Cakepie), then the user will receive 1K LISTA, which is 1% of the total LISTA received by Cakepie’s smart contract.

LISTA IFO Sale Details (Public Sale)

  • Sale start time: ~9:30 UTC on Wednesday 19 June 2024
  • Sale end time: ~9:30 UTC on Thursday 20 June 2024
  • Amount to be raised: USD $90,000 in CAKE tokens
  • Tokens to be sold: 4,500,000 LISTA (0.45% of total supply)
  • Price per token: 1 LISTA = $0.02 USD
  • Token Vesting Schedule: 100% of the tokens will be unlocked at TGE

Note: Cakepie only participates in the IFO Public Sale.

The private round has a quota for each address, so it’s not feasible for Cakepie to offer access to the private round.

Participation Fee

No fees will be applied on a user’s committed CAKE or collected from the project.

IFO Access

As Cakepie progresses, our users will gain the chance to participate in upcoming PancakeSwap IFOs by utilizing Cakepie’s veCAKE access. Our goal is to continually offer more opportunities from PancakeSwap IFOs to our community in the long run.

Cakepie is ready to take part in PancakeSwap’s LISTA IFO, highlighting a pivotal moment in our commitment to our users. With over 10.9 million veCAKE tokens locked, we offer our community efficient and exclusive access to this exciting opportunity. We deeply value your trust and support.

Note: If the total CAKE quota of 10,925,000 CAKE is sold out during stages A or B, stages C and D will not occur.

Join the LISTA IFO here.

About Cakepie: Cakepie is a state-of-the-art SubDAO created by Magpie to bolster the long-term sustainability of PancakeSwap. As a yield and veTokenomics service provider, Cakepie’s core mechanism involves locking CAKE tokens as veCAKE. This process allows Cakepie to secure enhanced yields and amplified governance power within PancakeSwap, serving up prime opportunities for DeFi users.

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