Life-Altering Shock

That changed my life

Edith Gallagher Boyd
A Taste for Life


Background: Bernd Müller from Pixabay Foreground: Nightcafe AI

No matter how familiar the story, if it happens to you, it’s personal and devastating. When Robert started lingering at work and coming home after Happy Hour was long over, my instincts knew there was more than he was telling.

And when he stopped volunteering work anecdotes, a heavy feeling landed in my stomach as if I knew there was a threat to our marriage. I missed the “Kathy, the district manager knew my name and the project I worked on,” with my rolling my eyes, and our bursting out laughing at his getting like his father with the bragging.

One morning, when I felt brave, I touched his arm in the doorway and said, ‘What’s wrong?” “Nothing, Kath,” he said, and then kissed me good-bye. This is a lie I don’t want to hear; I say to myself ruefully. I’m sure he’s pulling away from me.

So, I set about doing things I promised myself I’d never do. We’d sworn to each other that we wouldn’t search the other’s phone, and that we did need a degree of privacy in our marriage, so I tried to keep that oath, even if I suspected he was breaking his oath to me.

I considered wearing a disguise to his office, but knew Rosemary the receptionist would probably say “Hi Kathy,” as we’d known one another more than fifteen years.



Edith Gallagher Boyd
A Taste for Life

Edith Gallagher Boyd is a graduate of Temple University and a former French teacher. Avid sports fan with special angst for Philadelphia Eagles.