you don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up

remi ;༊
2 min readMay 13, 2024


matilda, you talk of the pain like it’s all alright

Past Lives (2023)

Did you grow up in a family where love was rare and criticism was common?

Were you used to believing that the way you were raised was normal, until you realized that it’s not?

Did you used to believe that they were right because they were older than you, but they’re not?

Did you grow up being “Matilda”?

Matilda is for the sons and daughters who weren’t raised in love. It is for everyone who thought that what they were going through is normal until they realized that it’s not. It’s for everyone who invalidated themselves.

Matilda is about admitting the pain you’ve been hiding behind a smile.

But it’s not just about admitting the pain; it’s about doing something about it. It’s about realizing that you can let go of toxic relationships, even if they’re with family. It’s about setting boundaries and putting your own well-being first.

You can let it go. Let them go.

If the disrespect and toxicity is loud — let them go. It’s okay to walk away from people who don’t treat you with respect, even if they’re family.

Leaving behind a painful childhood doesn’t mean forgetting what happened. It means accepting it happened but moving forward to heal and grow beyond it.

“You can throw a party full of everyone you know, not invite your family cause they never showed you love”

Surround yourself with people who truly care for you. These are the individuals who uplift, support, and value you for who you are, celebrates your successes and encourages you during tough times.

“You don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up”

You have the right to move on, find happiness, and create a better life for yourself. You’re not alone, and you have the strength to rewrite your story, one step at a time

I know it’s hard to let things go without receiving an apology from the people who hurt you. But one thing I’ve learned is — TO FORGIVE. Even if they didn’t ask for an apology. Even if they didn’t say the word sorry. It’s not for them. It’s for you to have peace of mind and to let go of that heavy feeling in your heart.

“I know they won’t hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go”

This time, choose yourself. Choose what makes you happy. Choose the people you want to enter your life. Never apologize for choosing yourself.

