Purposive Communication: Personal Insights and Discussion.

2 min readMay 22, 2024

Hello there! Have you ever wondered where and when did we learn to communicate? or have you thought about the way we communicate? are we even doing it right?

In this blog, I’ll be sharing the things that I knew and learn about communication especially about purposive communication. We all knew that communication is the way we convey, send and receive messages from other individuals. Communication have played a large role in our entire human existence, it is the reason for our union and diversion. We communicate verbally and non-verbally by using non-verbal cues.

Before we head to main topic, let’s start first by defining what is communication, the purpose of it and what generally is purposive communication.

Communication is the systematic exchange of messages between individuals by using symbols and linguistics (Gordon, 2024). The purpose of communication is to create a meaningful information and make it understandable (Your Article Library, n.d.). Purposive communication is a type of communication which is an intentional and strategic approach to communicate to achieve goals such as giving information, interrogation, persuasion, …, etch (Sharif, 2023).

We can communicate verbally with formality o informally. We usually start any conversation with a proper greeting which is a right thing to do. Many people actually start talking about the main topic or subject right away after greeting which is acceptable especially if they already know the person they are conferring with, but in a formal approach, a good and brief introduction of the speaker should be addressed. This is one of the things I learned and noticed when people communicate.

In my opinion, the purpose of communication is to formulate and execute a significant and meaningful conversation mostly with the other individuals giving out feedbacks, but still a one sided or rhetoric conversation doesn’t mean that it is not effective. It just seems to be more effective and efficient whenever a response was given by the people you were conferring with.

Purposive communication as a course subject in college taught me and made me realize that it is also about utilizing the English language effectively and efficiently for the reason that, the English language being our universal language breaks the language barrier from one person to another, making communication much effective than before. It also proves the true essence of a purposive communication which is to make everyone understand the information which we wanted to express.

That is my take and insights about purposive communication. I hope it have become relevant to all of you as well. Thanks for taking some time reading my blog. Just remember “Read the Opinions, Take the Lessons”.


Gordon N. (2024, May 17). Communication. In britannica.com Retrieved May 22, 2024 From https://www.britannica.com/topic/communication

Your Article Library (n.d.). Communication: Meaning, Purpose, Importance and Principles. In yourarticlelibrary.com Retrieved May 22, 2024 From https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/management/communication/communication-meaning-purpose-importance-and-principles/60291

Sharif W. (2023, March 28). The Ultimate Guide to Purposive Communication: What It Is & Why It Matters. In englishsyllabus.com Retrieved May 22, 2024 From https://englishsyllabus.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-purposive-communication-what-it-is-why-it-matters/

