Trying, Trying, and Trying…

Haven Diaries
5 min readApr 13, 2024
Photo by Ernesto Macedo

We’re always told to try our best, to never try giving up, to try pushing forward no matter what. But what does it really mean to try?

For me, trying is like walking a bridge between hope and hopelessness. It’s that delicate balance of putting in the effort while knowing that the outcome is uncertain. Trying sometimes feels effortless, like I’m in charge and nothing can get in my way. Other days, it feels like I’m swimming against a raging current, barely able to keep my head above water.

On some days, it feels like all we can do is try. We wake up feeling heavy and overwhelmed, with doubts in our mind. Everything feels hard, and we’re not sure if we have the energy to get through the day.

Today is one of those days. A day when the only thing that seemed to accomplish anything was the mere effort. The kind of effort that leaves you drained, a little defeated, but still making your way forward.

It’s easy to forget on the good days, the times when things flow and progress feels natural, that “trying” is such a large part of the story. But sometimes, it’s the only part. You push through a presentation that feels unorganized, rewrite a sentence for the tenth time, force yourself to take one more step on a run when your legs are aching, pulling off a smile through an awkward conversation, dragging yourself to the gym even when exhaustion screamed to you to rest, or simply sitting down and completing one small task on that overwhelming to-do list.

It seems like every little thing feels like a struggle, and you’re not sure if you have the strength to face it all. You’re trying to heal from past wounds, trying to move on from painful memories, trying to forget the hurtful words that linger in your mind. You’re trying to conform with the demands and expectations of others, trying to meet their standards even when it feels impossible. Not only that, but you’re trying to do your best at all times, even when it feels like your best is never enough. It’s showing up, even when the world seems determined to knock you down. But despite it all, you keep trying, because deep down, you know that’s all you can do — to try and try until everything falls into place.

And it is true that there are days when trying feels like a lonesome journey, like we’re fighting our battles all alone. Yet, it’s in those moments of peace and quiet that we discover our inner strength, our courage, our determination. We learn that trying is not just about the external battles we face, but also the internal wars we fight within ourselves.

I think about the times when trying felt like a long climb, when the road ahead seemed endless and the destination unclear. It’s during those times that I realized trying is not just about reaching the highest peak, but also about enjoying the view along the way. It’s about embracing the struggles, the failures, the mistakes, and finding beauty in the journey itself.

Trying no matter what shows our strength, our courage, and our ability to keep going, even when the odds are against us. It’s about showing up, day after day, even when all we want to do is go back into the safety of our comfort zones. Trying is about pushing past our limits, challenging our fears, and daring to dream even when the world tells us it’s beyond our reach.

Most of all, trying is a truly a battle between fear and grit, between doubt and determination. It’s about taking that step, even when the path may seem slippery. It’s about believing in yourself, even when the world seems to be against you.

Needless to say, there’s a strange beauty in this kind of trying, though. It shows how strong people can be when they keep trying, even when things are hard and the end goal seems far away. It’s a reminder that growth doesn’t always look graceful, sometimes it’s just a series of awkward stumbles and breathless gasps.

But is “just trying” enough?

I keep thinking about that question. There’s a fine line between perseverance and beating your head against a wall. Maybe it’s about learning to “try” smarter, not just harder. Maybe it’s about knowing when to step back, assess, and try a different way of doing things.

Still, for all the frustration, there’s a quiet satisfaction in the act of trying itself. It speaks to having faith in something bigger, a future where the effort will pay off, even if that payoff isn’t always clear today.

After all, trying is our greatest act of courage.

So, we must keep trying to discover what we are capable of. There will be moments when we give our best but still fall short. It can be hard to accept, feeling disappointed and doubting ourselves. However, there will also be times when we give our all and succeed, experiencing fulfillment and happiness that make the effort worthwhile.

Still, it’s not about the outcome, but the journey. It’s about the lessons learned, the growth experienced, and the strength that comes along the way from trying, failing, and trying again. These what makes trying every day worth it.

With all of these things, I acknowledge the “trying” of today. It wasn’t a day of grand accomplishments, but it was a day nonetheless. And tomorrow, I’ll rise again, ready to try, try, and try some more.

And so, here’s to trying, even when it’s hard, even when it’s messy, even when the world is against us.

Here’s to those days when all we can do is try, try, and try again.

Here’s to the courage it takes to keep going, to keep believing, to keep trying no matter what.

For in the end, trying is what makes us human, what makes us tough, and what makes us who we are. At some point, it will lead us closer to whatever it is we’re aiming for.

Keep trying, trying, and trying.



Haven Diaries

Baring my soul and raging against the pain by writing something beautiful from it.