PinnedTech Times : Unveiling the fascinating world of Mobile Robotics!EARTH 2050Jul 24, 2023Jul 24, 2023
Bits & Brains!Name data and you hear — Numbers, texts, image, video, audio, etc. Everything around us which a computer understands is data. But how does…5d ago5d ago
My perception is none of your perception : What helps a robot see the world?We have been gifted with the ability to see or look around this beautiful world. Wouldn’t it be unfair if we didn’t provide this ability…Dec 24, 2023Dec 24, 2023
Rolling Towards Tomorrow: The Epic Saga of the Wheel! 🌟🤖The invention of Zero, the Charkha, etc. have their own histories and all of them have made significant contributions to the world. Without…Oct 3, 2023Oct 3, 2023
Robot’s Character Development Arc👾: The Art and Science of Robot Control ParadigmsYou wake up in the middle of the night, feeling thirsty, and then you open your eyes, search for your bottle of water, grab it, pour water…Sep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
The final nail in the coffin: Dynamic duo of linear algebra and robotsAs the name suggests, this will be the last blog in the series on linear algebra.Aug 23, 2023Aug 23, 2023
Unlocking the Robot’s Mind: Exploring Linear Algebra in Mobile Robotics!x+y=2 x+2y=7Jul 30, 20231Jul 30, 20231
Published inZairzaWhy ROS?With the advent of new technological advancements in the field of robotics, it was the need of the hour which made developers find a way…Jun 26, 2019Jun 26, 2019
Published inZairzaRaspberry Pi or ASUS Tinkerboard?Since many years if any single name comes when thought about SBC then it is none other than Raspberry Pi. It has been reigning the regime…Sep 21, 2018Sep 21, 2018