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On kernel mailing list behavior

On kernel mailing list behavior

Posted Jul 19, 2013 14:37 UTC (Fri) by petkan (subscriber, #54713)
Parent article: On kernel mailing list behavior

I didn't bother to read the comments, but i did read the beginning of the thread in LKML. One thing that occurs to me is that no one asked if Sarah was in the middle of her monthly cycle. If the answer is yes then she'd have some sort of excuse, although not much.

Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. First there was an "issue" with not enough women in the kernel development. Now i should not be calling my fellow bloody idiot if i deem fit, because some weak-hearted people can't take it.

WTF? Being overly polite isn't much different from being a hypocrite. A good short curse in the right moment is much more effective than thousands of polite words. The same way a punch in the nose in the right moment is better (and more effective) than thousand words. I know, most Americans doesn't like this sort of thinking, but there is a lot more world beside America and i don't really care.

Some skirt is trying to impose stupid rules on something that works just fine for most of us and all of a sudden the levy of idiocy breaks. What is wrong with men these days?..

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On kernel mailing list behavior

Posted Jul 19, 2013 14:45 UTC (Fri) by corbet (editor, #1) [Link] (2 responses)

I must say this comment demonstrates what's wrong with some men, certainly. One can disagree with Sarah's point of view without pulling in a bunch of sexist nonsense. No more of that here, please.

On kernel mailing list behavior

Posted Jul 20, 2013 11:21 UTC (Sat) by petkan (subscriber, #54713) [Link] (1 responses)

Don't worry, Jon, i made my point already. However, your reaction reminds me why i left the US and why i don't like living there. ;)

On kernel mailing list behavior

Posted Jul 22, 2013 0:09 UTC (Mon) by lacos (guest, #70616) [Link]

Oh it's very convenient to chalk up Jon's response to US culture. Your ridiculously "butch" comment was not one bit more welcomed by this male reader from Central Europe.

Reasoning for basic human dignity is clearly an uphill battle when not even

M: Sarah Sharp <sarah.a.sharp@linux.intel.com>
L: linux-usb@vger.kernel.org
S: Supported
F: drivers/usb/host/xhci*
F: drivers/usb/host/pci-quirks*

suffices for people like you not to call another person "some skirt".

> something that works just fine for most of us

Y'all simply don't know about most of those for whom this attitude doesn't work. Of course you don't care, but that doesn't make this argument any less invalid. You're only saying "people who put up with the abuse (or don't perceive it as such) put up with it (or don't perceive it as such)".

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