Mike Mahoney, PhD

Mike Mahoney, PhD

Boston, Massachusetts, United States
862 followers 500+ connections


I'm a product owner for water data APIs at the USGS, working to modernize our national…


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  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Graphic
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    Syracuse, New York, United States

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    Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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    Boston, MA

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    SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY, 13210

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    SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY, 13210

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    SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY, 13210

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    SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY, 13210

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    Dublin, New Hampshire


Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • SUNY-ESF Graphic

    Orientation Leader


    - 2 years 11 months


  • The Carpentries Graphic

    Geospatial Curriculum Advisory Committee Member

    The Carpentries

    - 2 years 1 month

    Science and Technology

    Member of curriculum advisory committee providing the oversight, vision, and leadership for a the geospatial curriculum of the Carpentries, an organization building global capacity in the essential data and computational skills for conducting efficient, open, and reproducible research.

  • The Carpentries Graphic


    The Carpentries

    - Present 4 years 1 month


    Instructor for the Carpentries responsible for coordinating and running workshops to teach fundamental data and computational skills to early career researchers.

  • Journal of Open Source Software Graphic

    Associate Editor

    Journal of Open Source Software

    - Present 1 year 3 months

    Topic editor for the "Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning" and "Earth sciences and ecology" tracks at the Journal of Open Source Software, a diamond open access journal helping scientists get credit for developing research software.

  • The Carpentries Graphic

    Lesson Maintainer - Introduction to R for Geospatial Data

    The Carpentries

    - 2 years 1 month


    Lesson maintainer developing content and managing community contributions for the "Introduction to R for Geospatial Data" lesson.


  • rsi: Efficiently Retrieve and Process Satellite Imagery

    An R package for retrieving remote sensing data from STAC APIs, efficiently masking, compositing, rescaling and computing indices from it, and wrangling the outputs to prepare data for modeling. rsi aims to be flexible enough to work with any STAC API and any spatial data source, while making the most common "happy path" as friendly and straightforward as possible.


  • waywiser: Ergonomic Methods for Assessing Spatial Models

    “Waywiser” is an old-timey name for a surveyor’s wheel, a device that makes measuring long distances easier than with measurement tools like a ruler or yardstick. The waywiser R package makes it easier to measure the performance of models fit to 2D spatial data by implementing a number of well-established assessment methods in a consistent, ergonomic toolbox; features include new yardstick metrics for measuring agreement and spatial autocorrelation, functions to assess model predictions across…

    “Waywiser” is an old-timey name for a surveyor’s wheel, a device that makes measuring long distances easier than with measurement tools like a ruler or yardstick. The waywiser R package makes it easier to measure the performance of models fit to 2D spatial data by implementing a number of well-established assessment methods in a consistent, ergonomic toolbox; features include new yardstick metrics for measuring agreement and spatial autocorrelation, functions to assess model predictions across multiple scales, and methods to calculate the area of applicability of a model.

  • spatialsample: Spatial Resampling Infrastructure

    The spatialsample package provides functions and classes for spatial resampling, typically used as part of cross-validation for machine learning models built using spatial data. Package classes are built on top of the those in the rsample package, meaning that spatialsample integrates naturally with the tidymodels modeling framework, making it easier to automatically tune and assess spatial models.


Honors & Awards

  • Outstanding Student Presentation Award

    American Geophysical Union

    Awarded for my talk "Consistent Workflows for Assessing Model Performance: Tools and Applications to Natural Climate Solutions", given at AGU 2023.

  • AGU Student Travel Grant


  • US Research Software Engineer Association Travel Award


  • STAC Sprint Travel Award


  • Excellence in Academic Research Award

    Graduate Student Association (SUNY-ESF)

    Award given by SUNY-ESF Graduate Student Association in celebration of accomplishments in academic research.

  • Outstanding Ph.D. Scholar Award

    Graduate Program in Environmental Science (SUNY-ESF)

    Departmental award evaluated on scholarship metrics such as publications, conference presentations, teaching initiative, grants received, other significant academic accomplishments.

  • GIS Application Award

    New York State GIS Association

    Award given for "terrainr", an R package for creating VR environments from spatial data.

  • EarthCube AGU Scholarship


  • Robin Hood Oak Award for Academic Excellence


  • Robert M Hicks Award for Academic Achievement


  • Outstanding Student Award for Accomplishments in Forest Ecology and Field Dendrology

    Dr. Chris Nowak

  • Tutor of the Semester

    Division of Academic Success

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