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Influence function-based confidence intervals for the Kendall rank correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficients measure the association between two random variables. In circumstances in which the typically-used Pearson correlation...
Kendall correlations and radar charts to include goals for and goals against in soccer rankings
This paper deals with the challenging themes of the way sporting teams and athletes are ranked in sports competitions. Starting from the paradigmatic...
Rank Correlation
This chapter discusses the rank correlation and its extensions. The rank vector is introduced in section 1. This is followed by a discussion of... -
Pearson’s Correlation
This chapter discusses the essential concepts involved in computing the Pearson’s correlation. Properties of variance, covariance and correlation are... -
Analysis of Correlation and Regression
It is quite often that one is interested to quantify the dependence (positive or negative) between two or more random variables. The basic role of... -
Correlation and Regression Analysis
To investigate the relationship between quantitative variables, the most commonly used statistical techniques are correlation and regression analysis. -
Correlation and Regression
In previous chapters, we've covered two main areas of inferential statistics: confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Another important. -
The distribution of the sample correlation coefficient under variance-truncated normality
The non-null distribution of the sample correlation coefficient under bivariate normality is derived when each of the associated two sample variances...
Smoothed Bootstrap Methods for Hypothesis Testing
This paper demonstrates the application of smoothed bootstrap methods and Efron’s methods for hypothesis testing on real-valued data, right-censored...
Correlation and Association
In this chapter presents exact and Monte Carlo permutation statistical methods for measures of linear correlation and association. Also presented in... -
Measures of Ordinal Association I
Chapter 9 is the first of two chapters describing connections, equivalencies, and relationships relating to... -
The effect of various simultaneous sources of mechanical error in the estimators of correlation causing deflation in reliability: seeking the best options of correlation for deflation-corrected reliability
Estimates of reliability by traditional estimators are deflated, because the item-total or item-score correlation ( Rit ) or principal component or...
Robust coefficients of correlation or spatial autocorrelation based on implicit weighting
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient represents a fundamental tool for measuring linear association between two data vectors. In various...
Bias in Rank Correlation Under Mixture Models
This study investigates the behavior of two prominent measures of rank correlation—Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho—under mixture models,...
Smoothed Bootstrap Methods for Bivariate Data
In this paper, three smoothed bootstrap methods are introduced for bivariate data. Two of them are based on nonparametric predictive inference for...
Modelling Joint Behaviour of Asset Prices Using Stochastic Correlation
Association or interdependence of two stock prices is analyzed, and selection criteria for a suitable model developed in the present paper. The...
A Kendall correlation coefficient between functional data
Measuring dependence is a very important tool to analyze pairs of functional data. The coefficients currently available to quantify association...
Correlation, Association, Regression, Likelihood, and Prediction
The purpose of this lesson on correlation, association, regression, likelihood, and prediction is to provide guidance on how R can be used to first...