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Correlation in Engineering and the Applied Sciences Applications in R
This book focuses on correlation coefficients and its applications in applied science fields. The book begins by describing the historical...
Pearson’s Correlation
This chapter discusses the essential concepts involved in computing the Pearson’s correlation. Properties of variance, covariance and correlation are... -
Rank Correlation
This chapter discusses the rank correlation and its extensions. The rank vector is introduced in section 1. This is followed by a discussion of... -
Moneyball is a 2011 movie about baseball and statistics. A movie about statistics that received six Academy Award nominations: best picture, best... -
Comparing Correlation Tests
The Pearson product-moment correlation is widely used statistic to explore the association between two variables. To test whether the population... -
Canonical Correlation Analysis
Complex multivariate data structures are better understood by studying low-dimensional projections. For a joint study of two data sets, we may ask... -
Correlation: From Relationships
The correlation or the calculation of the relationship is another central concept of statistics, in addition to averages, variation, and frequencies.... -
Applications of Correlation
This chapter gives a bird’s eye view of application of correlation in various fields. A large number of R packages for this purposes are given in... -
Correlation and Regression
The Pearson Correlation is introduced as a measure of the degree of relationship between two continuous variables. We emphasize to students that one... -
Sampling Distribution of Correlation
This chapter discusses the sampling distribution of correlation coefficients. The sampling distribution of covariance under normality is discussed... -
Analysis of Correlation and Regression
It is quite often that one is interested to quantify the dependence (positive or negative) between two or more random variables. The basic role of... -
Correlation and Regression
The test procedures introduced across the preceding chapters were tailored to testing difference hypotheses. This chapter turns to the complementary... -
Correlation: From Relationships
Correlation, or the relationship between variables, is another central concept in statistics, along with averages, variation and frequencies. Here we... -
Correlation and Regression Analysis
To investigate the relationship between quantitative variables, the most commonly used statistical techniques are correlation and regression analysis. -
Correlation and Regression
In previous chapters, we've covered two main areas of inferential statistics: confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Another important. -
Inference of Correlation and Regression
In Chap. 1 , Pearson’s correlation coefficient, as a means to describe a linear association between two... -
The Test for Correlation with Metric, Ordinal, and Nominal Data
In Chap. 6, we explored the question of the relationship between two variables, that is, how and whether two variables move together. We examined... -
Testing hypotheses about correlation matrices in general MANOVA designs
Correlation matrices are an essential tool for investigating the dependency structures of random vectors or comparing them. We introduce an approach...
Correlation and Regression
Correlation and regression are the techniques which are used to investigate if there is a relationship between two quantitative variables....