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Syntactic island effects in Spanish: Experimental evidence
Syntactic islands offer a window into core properties of language, and understanding cross-linguistic variation in islands is central to elucidating...
Spoken Spanish PoS tagging: gold standard dataset
The development of a benchmark for part-of-speech (PoS) tagging of spoken dialectal European Spanish is presented, which will serve as the foundation...
The prosody of Spanish acronyms
This paper presents a first attempt to formally characterize the prosodic properties of Spanish acronyms. Based on the examination of a dataset and...
Initial validation of the handwriting proficiency screening questionnaire (HPSQ-C) translated to Spanish
Handwriting is a perceptual-motor skill encompassing a series of psychomotor skills related to academic performance. The main aim of this study was...
Conversion of the Spanish WordNet databases into a Prolog-readable format
WordNet is a lexical database for English that is supplied in a variety of formats, including one compatible with the
Prolog programming language.... -
Evaluation of end-to-end continuous spanish lipreading in different data conditions
Visual speech recognition remains an open research problem where different challenges must be considered by dispensing with the auditory sense, such...
An aligned corpus of Spanish bibles
We present a comprehensive and valuable resource in the form of an aligned parallel corpus comprising translations of the Bible in Spanish. Our...
VeLeSpa: An inflected verbal lexicon of Peninsular Spanish and a quantitative analysis of paradigmatic predictability
This paper presents VeLeSpa, a verbal lexicon of Peninsular Spanish, which contains the full paradigms (all 63 cells) in phonological form of 6553...
English reading performance by Spanish speaking children: A phonologically or semantically mediated pathway?
Reading acquisition involves connections between the spoken language and the writing system. The English-language writing system holds an...
A genealogical inquiry into raciolinguistic ideology and language policy among Spanish Franciscan missionaries in Alta California
This paper utilizes raciolinguistic genealogy (Flores, in International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2021:111–115, 2021) to explore an...
Testing for underlying representations: Segments and clusters in Sevillian Spanish
The current study investigates the representational status of [Ch] sequences in Sevillian Spanish. Like many Spanish varieties, Sevillian...
Spanish and English in Small Town and Rural America Language Contact Leading to Language Shift
This book examines Spanish English bilingual patterns in a small town and rural Northeast Georgia community of Hispanics recently immigrated from...
Entity normalization in a Spanish medical corpus using a UMLS-based lexicon: findings and limitations
Entity normalization is a common strategy to resolve ambiguities by mapping all the synonym mentions to a single concept identifier in standard...
NewsCom-TOX: a corpus of comments on news articles annotated for toxicity in Spanish
In this article, we present the NewsCom-TOX corpus, a new corpus manually annotated for toxicity in Spanish. NewsCom-TOX consists of 4359 comments in...
Regionalized models for Spanish language variations based on Twitter
Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Its proliferation comes with variations in written and spoken communication among different...
A simple view of reading analysis of Spanish-speaking multi-language learners and proficient English speakers
Shifting demographics in K-12 schools have increased Spanish-speaking Multi-Language Learners’ (MLLs’) enrollment across the United States. While...
Building the VisSE Corpus of Spanish SignWriting
SignWriting is a system for transcribing sign languages, using iconic depictions of the hands and other body parts, as well as exploiting the...
Crosslinguistic influence on spelling in written compositions: Evidence from English-Spanish dual language learners in primary grades
We investigated spelling errors in English and Spanish essays by Spanish-English dual language learners in Grades 1, 2, and 3 ( N = 278; 51% female)...
Eventive modal projection: the case of Spanish subjunctive relative clauses
How do modal expressions determine which possibilities they range over? According to the Modal Anchor Hypothesis (Kratzer in The language-cognition...
Focus Inside: Evidence from Spanish and Chinese
This chapter provides a fresh empirical examination of the interpretations and structures of the focalizing ser (FS) construction in Spanish and the...