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Studying social networks in the age of computational social science
Social and behavioral sciences now stand at a critical juncture. The emergence of Computational Social Science has significantly changed how social...
The power of social networks and social media’s filter bubble in shaping polarisation: an agent-based model
The role social media platforms play on the emergence of polarisation is an ongoing debate in the political communication literature. Social media’s...
On a pyramid structure in social networks
This study introduces a hierarchical pyramid structure as a novel framework for social network analysis, differing fundamentally from traditional...
Connectivity and community structure of online and register-based social networks
The dominance of online social media data as a source for large-scale social network studies has recently been challenged by networks constructed...
Towards modeling and analysis of longitudinal social networks
There are various methods for handling longitudinal data in graphs and social networks, all of which have an impact on the algorithms used in data...
Social recommendation system based on heterogeneous graph attention networks
Heterogeneous graph attention networks are becoming a popular choice, particularly in areas like social recommendation systems, surpassing...
Bi-directional temporal graph attention networks for rumor detection in online social networks
Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become the main platform for individuals to share information, but the rapid dissemination of information has also...
An overview of aggregation methods for social networks analysis
Creating systems that can interpret and manage the ambiguity and subjectivity of the representation and retrieval of information is one of the issues...
Social networks from dailies: the observer’s point of view
In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that the social network described by an observer in a written document provides a discernible cross-section...
Interest maximization in social networks
Nowadays, organizations use viral marketing strategies to promote their products through social networks. A graph represents the social networks. It...
A comprehensive view of community detection approaches in multilayer social networks
Multilayer social networks are the main representative form for today’s social networks. In fact, the multiplicity of relations, the huge amount of...
A community-based entropic method to identify influential nodes across multiple social networks
Identifying influential nodes in social networks − by determining the most effective and efficient set of primary users − is a crucial task for...
Influence maximization in blockchain social networks: a heterogeneous LDAG approach
In the Web 3.0 epoch, the evolution of blockchain technology has precipitated the advent and expansion of Blockchain Online Social Networks (BOSNs)....
Social network analysis of manga: similarities to real-world social networks and trends over decades
Manga, Japanese comics, has been popular on a global scale. Social networks among characters, which are often called character networks, may be a...
Community detection in social networks using machine learning: a systematic mapping study
One of the important issues in social networks is the social communities which are formed by interactions between its members. Three types of...
Visualization of Social Networks
This chapter focuses on the visualization techniques of social networks. First, it reviews the literature on data visualization and social network... -
Modeling interactions in social media networks using an asynchronous and synchronous opinion dynamics
Social media networks have become a powerful platform for shaping public opinion. In such networks, opinions change through complex processes. To...
Disentangling degree and tie strength heterogeneity in egocentric social networks
The structure of personal networks reflects how we organise and maintain social relationships. The distribution of tie strengths in personal networks...
Modeling behavioral trust in social networks for cooperation-based information source recommendation
Social trust is a valuable asset in modern recommender systems, enabling more personalized and accurate recommendations by aggregating the opinions...
Misinformation blocking maximization in online social networks
Online social networks serve as a very important platform for information dissemination in reality. In addition to the positive information, negative...