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Showing 1-20 of 50 results
  1. Article

    A new class of near-optimal partial Fourier codebooks from an almost difference set

    An ( N , K ) codebook is a set of N unit-norm code vectors in a K -dimensional vector space. Also known as a frame, it has many applications in...

    Nam Yul Yu, Keqin Feng, Aixian Zhang in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    30 September 2012
  2. Article

    Construction of rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity and high nonlinearity

    Recent research shows that the class of rotation symmetric Boolean functions is potentially rich in functions of cryptographic significance. In this...

    Sihong Su, Xiaohu Tang in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    19 July 2012
  3. Article

    Gauss periods and codebooks from generalized cyclotomic sets of order four

    Let p , q be distinct primes with gcd( p − 1, q − 1) = 4. Let D 0 , D 1 , D 2 , D 3 be Whiteman’s generalized cyclotomic classes, satisfying the...

    Liqin Hu, Qin Yue in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    13 April 2012
  4. Article

    A new product construction for partial difference sets

    Relatively few constructions are known of negative Latin square type Partial Difference Sets (PDSs), and most of the known constructions are in...

    John Polhill, James A. Davis, Ken Smith in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    12 February 2012
  5. Article

    Abelian and non-abelian Paley type group schemes

    In this paper, we present a construction of abelian Paley type group schemes which are inequivalent to Paley group schemes. We then determine the...

    Yu Qing Chen, Tao Feng in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    03 April 2012
  6. Article

    Construction of balanced Boolean functions with high nonlinearity and good autocorrelation properties

    Boolean functions with high nonlinearity and good autocorrelation properties play an important role in the design of block ciphers and stream...

    Deng Tang, Weiguo Zhang, Xiaohu Tang in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    11 December 2011
  7. Article

    Further results on planar DO functions and commutative semifields

    It is proven that any Dembowski–Ostrom polynomial is planar if and only if its evaluation map is 2-to-1, which can be used to explain some known...

    Guobiao Weng, Xiangyong Zeng in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    27 September 2011
  8. Article

    Difference sets over Galois rings with odd extension degrees and characteristic an even power of 2

    We construct an infinite family of (2 ns , 2 ns /2 -1 (2 ns /2 −1), 2 ns /2 -1 (2 ns /2 -1 −1)) difference sets over a Galois ring GR (2 n , s ) with...

    20 November 2011
  9. Article

    Construction of cyclotomic codebooks nearly meeting the Welch bound

    Ding and Feng (IEEE Trans Inform Theory 52(9):4229–4235, 2006 , IEEE Trans Inform Theory 53(11):4245–4250, 2007 ) constructed series of ( N , K )...

    Aixian Zhang, Keqin Feng in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    10 August 2011
  10. Article

    New restrictions on possible orders of circulant Hadamard matrices

    We obtain several new number theoretic results which improve the field descent method. We use these results to rule out many of the known open cases...

    Ka Hin Leung, Bernhard Schmidt in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    13 March 2011
  11. Article

    Some progress on the existence of 1-rotational Steiner triple systems

    A Steiner triple system of order v (briefly STS( v )) is 1-rotational under G if it admits G as an automorphism group acting sharply transitively on...

    Simona Bonvicini, Marco Buratti, ... Tommaso Traetta in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    09 March 2011
  12. Article

    A conjecture about binary strings and its applications on constructing Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity

    In this paper, a combinatorial conjecture about binary strings is proposed. Under the assumption that the proposed conjecture is correct, two classes...

    Ziran Tu, Yingpu Deng in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    17 June 2010
  13. Article

    Geometric and design-theoretic aspects of semibent functions I

    The two parts of this paper consider combinatorial and geometric aspects of semibent functions. In the first part of this note we obtain 2-designs...

    Ulrich Dempwolff, Timo Neumann in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    10 March 2010
  14. Article

    The cocyclic Hadamard matrices of order less than 40

    In this paper all cocyclic Hadamard matrices of order less than 40 are classified. That is, all such Hadamard matrices are explicitly constructed, up...

    Padraig Ó Catháin, Marc Röder in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    27 March 2010
  15. Article

    On Lander’s conjecture for difference sets whose order is a power of 2 or 3

    Let p be a prime and let b be a positive integer. If a ( v , k , λ , n ) difference set D of order n = p b exists in an abelian group with cyclic Sylow p -s...

    Ka Hin Leung, Siu Lun Ma, Bernhard Schmidt in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    19 November 2009
  16. Article

    Special subsets of difference sets with particular emphasis on skew Hadamard difference sets

    This article introduces a new approach to studying difference sets via their additive properties. We introduce the concept of special subsets, which...

    Robert S. Coulter, Todd Gutekunst in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    19 April 2009
  17. Article

    Wieferich pairs and Barker sequences

    We show that if a Barker sequence of length n > 13 exists, then either n = 189 260 468 001 034 441 522 766 781 604, or n > 2 · 10 30 . This improves...

    Michael J. Mossinghoff in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    23 May 2009
  18. Article

    Paley type partial difference sets in non p-groups

    By modifying a construction for Hadamard (Menon) difference sets we construct two infinite families of negative Latin square type partial difference...

    18 February 2009
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