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Showing 1-20 of 5,089 results
  1. Conference proceedings

    Software Fault Prevention, Verification, and Validation First International Symposium, SFPVV 2024, Hiroshima, Japan, December 2–3, 2024, Proceedings

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Symposium on Software Fault Prevention, Verification, and Validation, SFPVV...

  2. Book

    Mastering the Complex World of Software Management Increasing Impact and Improving Performance for Software Managers

    You were a happy coder, then the opportunity came to lead a team. Unfamiliar assignments come without warning, team members need care and attention,...

    David J. Asher
  3. Book

    Testing the Creditcoin Blockchain A Daily Account from a Test Engineer's Perspective

    Follow the quality engineering journey of the Creditcoin blockchain across four distinct implementation versions and a myriad of technologies....

    Alexander Todorov
  4. Book

    Software Testing for Managers An Introduction to Strategies, Technologies, and Best Practices

    Software leaders, directors, and managers of all types need to know about software testing.  It can be a tough climb up the mountain of technical...

    Ross Radford
  5. Textbook

    Learning Java A Test-Driven Approach

    This introductory textbook on Java programming is different from others by its emphasis on test-driven development. Writing tests before designing...

    Joshua Crotts
  6. Book

    Guide to Software Verification with Frama-C Core Components, Usages, and Applications

    Frama-C is a popular open-source toolset for analysis and verification of C programs, largely used for teaching, experimental research, and...

    Nikolai Kosmatov, Virgile Prevosto, Julien Signoles in Computer Science Foundations and Applied Logic
  7. Book

    The French School of Programming

    The French School of Programmingis a collection of insightful discussions of programming and software engineering topics, by some of the most...
    Bertrand Meyer
  8. Book

    Conceptual Models Core to the Design of Interactive Applications

    This book presents readers with an exploration of the concept of Conceptual Models and argues that they are core to achieving good design of...
    Jeff Johnson, Austin Henderson in Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics
  9. Book

    Speed Metrics Guide Choosing the Right Metrics to Use When Evaluating Websites

    Faster websites offer a better user experience and typically have higher conversion rates. It can be challenging to know where to invest to...

    Matthew Edgar
  10. Book

    Development and Testing of Vehicle Software and its Influence on Sustainable Transport

    This book evaluates the contributions of the electronic control unit software of an electric vehicle on sustainability and society, such as the...

    Antonio Colmenar-Santos, David Borge-Diez, Pedro-Miguel Ortega-Cabezas
  11. Book

    Cloud-Native Application Architecture Microservice Development Best Practice

    The authors of this book explore a way to build cloud-native microservice applications, based on years of practice. Presenting a range of real-world...

    FreeWheel Biz-UI Team
  12. Book

    Modern Software Testing Techniques A Practical Guide for Developers and Testers

    Many books have been written about software testing, but most of them discuss the general framework of testing from a traditional perspective....

    István Forgács, Attila Kovács
  13. Book

    Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C# Practical Testing Solutions for Selenium WebDriver

    Solve your Selenium WebDriver problems with this quick guide to automated testing of web applications with Selenium WebDriver in C#. This third...

    Courtney Zhan, Zhimin Zhan
  14. Book

    Machine Learning for Decision Makers Cognitive Computing Fundamentals for Better Decision Making

    This new and updated edition takes you through the details of machine learning to give you an understanding of cognitive computing, IoT, big data,...
    Patanjali Kashyap
  15. Book

    CyberSecurity in a DevOps Environment From Requirements to Monitoring

    This book provides an overview of software security analysis in a DevOps cycle including requirements formalisation, verification and continuous...

    Andrey Sadovykh, Dragos Truscan, ... Alessandra Bagnato
  16. Book

    Hardware and Software Projects Troubleshooting How Effective Requirements Writing Can Save the Day

    Learn how to create good requirements when designing hardware and software systems. While this book emphasizes writing traditional “shall”...

    George Koelsch
  17. Book

    ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level A Self-Study Guide Syllabus v4.0

    This book is aimed at everyone preparing for the ISTQB® Certified Tester – Foundation Level exam based on the Foundation Level syllabus (version 4.0)...

    Lucjan Stapp, Adam Roman, Michaël Pilaeten
  18. Book

    Essenz der Informatik Was Benutzer alles wissen sollten

    ​Diese erweiterte 2. Auflage richtet sich an die regelmäßigen Benutzer von IT, also Berufstätige sowie Schüler, Studierende und Lehrer. Das Buch...
    Claudio Franzetti
  19. Textbook

    Excel + VBA für Controller Mit eigenen Prozeduren und Funktionen optimieren

    Dieses Lehrbuch zeigt anhand vieler praktischer Beispiele, wie mithilfe von eigenen Prozeduren und Funktionen die Anwendung von Excel im Controlling...

    Harald Nahrstedt
  20. Textbook

    Architektur- und Entwurfsmuster der Softwaretechnik Mit lauffähigen Beispielen in Java

    Architekturen von Softwaresystemen sollen einfach erweiterbar und weitestgehend standardisiert sein, damit die Entwickler sich leicht über...

    Joachim Goll, Micha Koller, Michael Watzko
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