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Non-parametric kernel estimation for symmetric Hawkes processes. Application to high frequency financial data
We define a numerical method that provides a non-parametric estimation of the kernel shape in symmetric multivariate Hawkes processes. This method...
Log-Infinitely Divisible Multifractal Processes
We define a large class of multifractal random measures and processes with arbitrary log-infinitely divisible exact or asymptotic scaling law. These...
Modelling fluctuations of financial time series: from cascade process to stochastic volatility model
In this paper, we provide a simple, “generic” interpretation of multifractal scaling laws and multiplicative cascade process paradigms in terms of...
Singularity spectrum of multifractal functions involving oscillating singularities
We give general mathematical results concerning oscillating singularities and we study examples of functions composed only of oscillating...
Nucleotide composition effects on the long-range correlations in human genes
We use the wavelet transform to investigate the fractal scaling properties of coding and noncoding human DNA sequences. We find that the strength of...
Oscillating singularities on cantor sets: A grand-canonical multifractal formalism
The singular behavior of functions is generally characterized by their Hölder exponent. However, we show that this exponent poorly characterizes...
Scale Invariance and Beyond: What Can We Learn from Wavelet Analysis ?
In many situations in physics as well as in some applied sciences, one is faced to the problem of characterizing very irregular functions [1–8]. The... -
Wavelet Analysis
The central problem of three-dimensional fully developed turbulence is the energy cascading process. It has resisted all attempts at a full... -
Singularity spectrum of fractal signals from wavelet analysis: Exact results
The multifractal formalism for singular measures is revisited using the wavelet transform. For Bernoulli invariant measures of some expanding Markov...
Wavelet Analysis of Fractal Signals Application to Fully Developed Turbulence Data
The recently developed multifractal formalism1 has proven particularly fruitful in the characterization of singular measures arising in a variety of... -
Fibonacci Sequences in Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
Pattern formation in systems far from equilibrium is a subject of considerable current interest1–6. Recently, much effort has been directed towards...