111 publications
- GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics
- GPS Solutions
- GSTF Journal of Advances in Medical Research (JAMR)
- GSTF Journal of BioSciences (JBio)
- GSTF Journal of Chemical Sciences (JChem)
- GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET)
- GSTF Journal of General Philosophy (JPhilo)
- GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences (JGS)
- GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS)
- GSTF Journal of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research (JMSOR)
- GSTF Journal of Music (JMusic)
- GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC)
- GSTF Journal of Physics and Applications (JPA)
- GSTF Journal of Psychology (JPsych)
- GSTF Journal of Veterinary Science (JVet)
- GSTF Journal on Agricultural Engineering (JAE)
- GSTF Journal on Aviation Technology (JAT)
- GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR)
- GSTF Journal on Computing (JoC)
- GSTF Journal on Education (JEd)
- GSTF Journal on Media & Communications (JMC)
- GZ - Psychologie
- Gastric Cancer
- Gastro-News
- Gefässchirurgie
- Gender Issues
- Gene Therapy
- General Relativity and Gravitation
- General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
- General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Cases
- Genes & Genomics
- Genes & Immunity
- Genes & Nutrition
- Genes and Environment
- Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
- Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
- Genetic Vaccines and Therapy
- Genetica
- Genetics Selection Evolution
- Genome Biology
- Genome Instability & Disease
- Genome Integrity
- Genome Medicine
- Genomics & Informatics
- Genus
- Geo-Marine Letters
- Geo-spatial Information Science
- GeoInformatica
- GeoJournal
- Geochemical Transactions
- Geochemistry International
- Geochronometria
- Geoenvironmental Disasters
- Geography and Natural Resources
- Geoheritage
- Geologie en Mijnbouw
- Geology of Ore Deposits
- Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
- Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources
- Geometriae Dedicata
- Geometric and Functional Analysis
- Georgian Mathematical Journal
- Geoscience Letters
- Geosciences Journal
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
- Geotectonics
- Geothermal Energy
- Geriatric Nephrology and Urology
- Geriatrie-Report
- German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research
- GeroScience
- Geron
- Gezinstherapie Wereldwijd
- GigaScience
- Giornale Italiano di Health Technology Assessment
- Glass Physics and Chemistry
- Glass Structures & Engineering
- Glass and Ceramics
- Global Business Perspectives
- Global Change & Human Health
- Global Health Research and Policy
- Global Implementation Research and Applications
- Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
- Global Philosophy
- Global Public Policy and Governance
- Global Social Welfare
- Global Surgical Education - Journal of the Association for Surgical Education
- Globalization and Health
- Glycoconjugate Journal
- Glycosylation & Disease
- Gold Bulletin
- Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
- Grammars
- Granular Computing
- Granular Matter
- Graphene and 2D Materials
- Graphs and Combinatorics
- Gravitation and Cosmology
- Green Technology, Resilience, and Sustainability
- Group
- Group Decision and Negotiation
- Growth and Form
- Grundwasser
- Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)
- Gut Pathogens
- Gynecologic Oncology Research and Practice
- Gynecological Surgery
- Gynäkologie in der Praxis
- Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
- Gyroscopy and Navigation
- gynäkologie + geburtshilfe