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Acta Neurochirurgica

The European Journal of Neurosurgery

Publishing model:
Open access


Acta Neurochirurgica is a global journal focusing on clinical neurosurgery and relevant neuroscience research.

  • Publishes papers on diagnosis, diagnostic techniques, operative surgery, results and postoperative treatment.
  • Produces 3-4 supplement volumes per year containing proceedings of international meetings and other relevant material.
  • Boasts over 70 years of successful publishing experience.
  • Structured into topical subdisciplines for ease of navigation.
  • Has a global reach/readership and an international publication record.


  • Tiit Mathiesen
Journal Impact Factor
1.9 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
2.2 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
5 days
1,194,394 (2024)

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Journal updates

  • Acta Neurochirurgica is transitioning to full open access!

    We are excited to announce that Acta Neurochirurgica has now become a fully open access (OA) journal as of January 2025. This means that we will only be publishing articles as Open Access meaning content will be and freely available to readers worldwide, enabling the widest possible dissemination and reuse.

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Journal information

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Abstracted and indexed in
  1. ANVUR
  2. BFI List
  4. Baidu
  5. Biological Abstracts
  7. CNKI
  9. Current Contents/Clinical Medicine
  10. Dimensions
  11. EBSCO
  12. EMBASE
  13. Google Scholar
  14. INIS Atomindex
  15. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  16. Medline
  17. Naver
  18. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  19. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  20. Pathway Studio
  21. Portico
  22. ProQuest
  23. Reaxys
  24. SCImago
  25. SCOPUS
  26. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  27. Semantic Scholar
  28. TD Net Discovery Service
  29. UGC-CARE List (India)
  30. Wanfang
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© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature

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