Animal Diseases is a peer-reviewed, open access academic journal sponsored by Huazhong Agricultural University. The journal promoting One Health initiative and committed to publish high-quality innovated and prospective works in animal disease research/application which are closely related to human health. The founding chief editors are Drs. Huanchun Chen (Huazhong Agricultural University, China) and Zhen F. Fu (University of Georgia, USA). The editorial board is composed of top scientists from 11 countries, with expertise in the fields of veterinary medicine and public health.
Animal Diseases will publish Research articles, Reviews, Short Communication, Case Report etc.
The publication costs for Animal Diseases are covered by Huazhong Agricultural University so authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge. Huazhong Agricultural University works with American Journal Experts to provide free (only for authors of Animal Diseases), professional language editing service for authors after acceptance.