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Affective Science

An official journal of the Society for Affective Science

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Affective Science is the official journal of the Society for Affective Science, broadly covering the field of affective science and emotion research.

  • Encompasses different disciplines and biological and behavioral domains.
  • Provides a forum for basic or applied research.
  • Features both normal and clinical populations.
  • Recognizes the central role of affective processes in individuals, groups, cultures, and countries, and its profound implications for well-being

  • Ralph Adolphs,
  • Linda Camras,
  • Michelle (Lani) Shiota
Journal Impact Factor
2.1 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
2.2 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
18 days
226,291 (2024)

Calls for papers

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Societies and partnerships

Latest issue

Volume 5, Issue 4

Affect and Social Media

Journal updates

  • Peer Review Process for Special Issues

    Affective Science welcomes special issues/sections focused on themes of interest to our readership, particularly those addressing innovative or rapidly-growing areas of work. The Editors-in-Chief may appoint Guest Editors for a special issue/section; initiate and handle special issues/sections themselves; or review special issue/section proposals initiated by potential Guest Editors.  All special issue proposals must include the name and details of the guest editors, a detailed explanation of the topic, and proposed schedule. The Editors-in-Chief have discretion to accept or reject a special issue proposal.

    The Guest Editor(s) oversee the peer review process for each submission to their special issue/section. This typically includes two phases: (1) a brief letter of intent, summarizing the planned submission's content and approach; and (2) for those invited to do so, submission of the full manuscript. Guest Editors review all Phase 1 submissions, and decide which full manuscripts to invite. The peer review process for special issue submissions at Phase 2 is the same as for regular submissions: A minimum of two expert peer reviewers will assess each submission, and reviews will be single-blind. Decisions are made by Guest Editors (possibly with additional input from an Associate Editor).

  • Peer-Review Policy

     All submissions are peer-reviewed. The default submission will be single-blind review where authors’ names on provided on the title page, but reviewers are anonymous. If the author wishes, they can request a blind peer-review process. The editors in chief, supported by the associate editors, perform a first check of the article to ensure that it reaches a threshold of quality and appropriateness to the journal to be sent for peer-review. Reviewers will receive instructions to comply with the journal ethical and editorial norms, and to keep the following goals in mind:

    •  The journal seeks to advance basic and applied research in the variety of fields that study affect broadly defined.
    • The journal seeks to show respect for the full diversity of methods and theoretical assumptions present in the field of affective science.
    • The journal seeks to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and collegiality, and to provide constructive feedback wherever possible.

    Presubmission consultation with the EIC is recommended for Methods Papers, Reviews, and Commentary/Opinions.

Journal information

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Abstracted and indexed in
  2. Baidu
  3. Biological Abstracts
  5. CNKI
  7. Dimensions
  8. EBSCO
  9. Emerging Sources Citation Index
  10. Google Scholar
  11. Naver
  12. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  13. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  14. Portico
  15. ProQuest
  16. PsycINFO
  17. Psyndex
  18. PubMedCentral
  19. SCImago
  20. SCOPUS
  21. TD Net Discovery Service
  22. Wanfang
Copyright information

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Editorial policies

© The Society for Affective Science

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