The publication costs for Acta Epileptologica are covered by West China Hospital, so authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge.
Featured articles
Whether radiofrequency thermocoagulation guided by stereotactic electroencephalography can benefit drug-resistant epilepsy in the early follow-up stage
Alternations in morphometric similarity network in mesial temporal epilepsy correlate to neuroinflammatory pathway gene transcriptions
Dissociative seizures mimicking epileptic seizures: diagnostic challenges in a case with atypical eye movements
MDN1 variants cause susceptibility to epilepsy
The first-line management of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) in adults in the emergency: a practical approach
Seizures and epilepsy secondary to viral infection in the central nervous system
The pharmacological treatment of epilepsy: recent advances and future perspectives
Differential diagnosis between epileptic seizures and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures based on semiology
Electromagnetic activity: a possible player in epilepsy
Article-processing charges
Journal introduction
Acta Epileptologica is now officially indexed in DOAJ, Scopus and ESCI.
See the About page for a full list of indexing services that include Acta Epileptologica.
Aims and scope
Acta Epileptologica is dedicated to advancing people’s understanding of epilepsy by providing a forum to share the latest research. The main focus of the journal covers all aspects related to epilepsy, topics include but are not limited to basic research, practical management of epilepsy, neuroimaging, therapeutic trials, case report, social and psychological burden. In addition to the mechanisms of epileptogenesis, broader comorbidities of epilepsy, new treatments and their measures.
Call for papers
We invite you to submit an article to the following thematic series:
Precision Medicine and Epilepsy
Artificial Intelligence in Epilepsy: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment
Thematic Series
Artificial Intelligence in Epilepsy: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment
Edited by: Prof. Edward Meinert, Prof. Gavin Winston
Precision Medicine and Epilepsy
Edited by: Prof. Weiping Liao
Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy Therapy
Edited by: Prof. Jianxiang Liao
Virus and Epilepsy
Edited by: Prof. Xiaofeng Yang, Prof. Hui Ren, Prof. Jinmei Li
About the Editor
Professor Shichuo Li
Professor Li is the Founding President of the China Association Against Epilepsy (CAAE). He is also Advisor for Public Health of ILAE Executive Committee and the Co-chairmen of the ILAE/IBE Global Outreach Taskforce.
Professor Li was formerly the Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), WHO Representative of South Pacific (1998-2003), the Director-General of the Department of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Health, China (1992-1997) and the Vice Director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau (1987-1992).
In the 1980s, Prof. Li worked at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at Bethesda, Maryland, USA as a visiting scientist for 2 years. Over the past years, besides all the administrative and International cooperation activities, Prof. Li has also dedicated himself to the epidemiology research of neurological diseases as well as the prevention and control of cerebrovascular diseases and epilepsy in the community. His research has gained more than 10 Beijing municipal and National science development awards.
Professor Li has published extensively with more than 70 articles in China as well as internationally. As a chief editor, he has also published a book entitled ‘Epidemiology of Nervous System Diseases” and a “Green Book of Prevention and Control of Epilepsy in China”.
Annual Journal Metrics
Citation Impact 2023
Journal Impact Factor: 1.2
5-year Journal Impact Factor: 1.2
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.412
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.357Speed 2024
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 8
Submission to acceptance (median days): 92Usage 2024
Downloads: 187,408
Altmetric mentions: 31
Official journal of
Acta Epileptologica is the official journal of the China Association Against Epilepsy.
Electronic ISSN:
2524-4434Print ISSN: