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Article collections

Simulation for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

We are welcoming submissions to our new article collection "Simulation for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response".  This thematic series seeks submissions that bring together the work from a range of clinicians, educators, and researchers representing many countries, and using any form of simulation in the domain of disaster response or emergency preparedness


The role of simulation in Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, and Inclusivity – EDAI

We are welcoming submissions to our new article collection "The role of simulation in Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, and Inclusivity – EDAI".  This thematic series seeks submissions that highlight the important and necessary role simulation can play in positively impacting equity, diversity, accessibility and inclusivity within health and social care.


Methodological Innovations in Healthcare Simulation Research

We are delighted to announce that our article collection "Methodological Innovations in Healthcare Simulation Research" is open to submissions. In this thematic series, we seek manuscripts that challenge our collective thinking about how to conceptualise, frame, study, and theorise simulation in health and social care. To this end, we seek contributions from diverse paradigms that use relevant theory and innovative methodologies and methods to help us advance the field.

Read more....



A translations into Spanish, by the authors, of our recent article COVID-19 crisis, safe reopening of simulation centres and the new normal: food for thought is now available here.

Simulation-based skills training in obstetrics and gynaecology

ArunKumar obstetrics & gynaecology training © Arunaz Kumaraz Kumar et al present their work on introduction of undergraduate interprofessional education workshop in obstetrics and gynaecology in India. Arunaz and Atul,  have taken simulation based education programs to remote parts of India. In this study, they took a successful undergraduate interprofessional educational initiative called the Women’s Health interprofessional by Simulation (WHIPLS) program for medical and midwifery students to India. The program aims to teach core clinical skills to undergraduate students and embedding interprofessional communication early in their careers. This innovative program in India received a positive response, with some interesting themes emerging from the qualitative analysis of participant data. The key theme was “getting hands-on” experience of doing intimate gynaecological examinations before seeing a real patient. Read more...

Acute paediatric trauma stabilisation

TheImage courtesy of Ralph MacKinnon © Image courtesy of Ralph MacKinnon provision of high quality care and training towards this goal, is a central theme of simulation-based education. MacKinnon et al explore the concept of quality in the context of the stabilisation of traumatically injured children. They propose that the ability to assure and improve both simulation training and care provision is impeded without an understanding of quality in this context, and the ability to describe the quality. The challenges of quality measurement are described from a system engineering and a human factors perspective. Read more...

Advances in Simulation is the official journal of the Society for Simulation in Europe (SESAM).
SESAM was founded in 1994 in Copenhagen and aims to encourage and support the use of simulation in health care and medicine for the purpose of training and research. Key roles of SESAM are to develop and support the application of simulation in education, research, and quality management by facilitating collaborations and the exchange of technology and knowledge throughout Europe.

Aims and scope

Advances in Simulation provides a forum to share scholarly practice to advance the use of simulation in the context of health and social care.

Editor Profile

Dr Gabriel Reedy, Editor-in-ChiefGabriel Reedy © Gabriel Reedy

Dr Gabriel Reedy is a Professor in Clinical Education in the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine at King’s College London, where he directs the Masters in Clinical Education programme. He is a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. His research focuses on how healthcare professionals learn and work together, and especially how simulated environments can be used for learning, teaching, and assessment. 

SESAM news

We are delighted to announce that SESAM members now receive a 15% discount on the Article Processing Charges for publications in Advances in Simulation. You should claim the discount during the payment process should your manuscript be accepted. The Society will be asked to confirm entitlement.

Follow us on Twitter @AdvinSimulation.


We are pleased to announce that Advances In Simulation has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus.  All articles published in Advances in Simulation are already included in PubMed and PubMed Central. 

How does simulation impact culture and relationships in healthcare?

In this Trauma simulation V. Brazil © V. Brazilarticle an established trauma simulation program was found to have a profound impact on the relational aspects of care and the development of a collaborative culture across disciplines and departments in a major hospital.

The authors reviewed the program using the Relational Coordination framework – shared knowledge, shared goals, and mutual respect in the context of high-quality communication. They found this framework can provide a common language for simulation educators to design and debrief simulation exercises that aim to have a translational impact. The authors suggest that simulation educators should be deliberate about the foundational team relationships and organizational culture outcomes of the simulation programs they develop.  Read more...

Research challenges in prehospital care

Air ambulance image credit Bob EmbletonMaurin Söderholm et al highlight an area that is so important for healthcare and that still receives relatively little attention in the simulation world in terms of research: The pre-hospital area. The authors describe the challenges, review what kind of research is available and where the research gaps are, and discuss how to improve the situation. These include the researcher getting into the context and to understand it as well as possible, to use existing and to develop new technology and approaches to do research on patient safety, organizational development, and quality improvement. Finally, they sketch how a laboratory for pre-hospital, simulation-related research might look and what kind of people, you want to hire. Read more...

Official journal of

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 2.8
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: N/A
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.333
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.759

    Speed 2024
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 17
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 154

    Usage 2024
    Downloads: 357,233
    Altmetric mentions: 799