Allergo Journal International is the official Journal of the German Society for Applied Allergology (AeDA) and the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI). The journal is a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas concerning the various aspects of allergy (including related fields such as clinical immunology and environmental medicine) and promotes German and Austrian allergy research in an international context. The aim of Allergo Journal International is to provide state of the art information for all medical and scientific disciplines that deal with allergic, immunological and environmental diseases. Allergo Journal International publishes original articles, reviews, short communications, case reports, and letters to the editor. The articles cover topics such as allergic, immunological and environmental diseases, the latest developments in diagnosis and therapy as well as current research work concerning antigens and allergens and aspects related to occupational and environmental medicine. In addition, it publishes clinical guidelines and position papers approved by expert panels of the German, Austrian and Swiss Allergy Societies.
All submissions are reviewed in single-blind fashion by at least two reviewers.
Single-blind peer review
The quality of the contributions is guaranteed by an international board of editors. The journal follows a single-blind review procedure, where the reviewers are aware of the names and affiliations of the authors, but the reviewer reports provided to authors are anonymous. Single-blind peer review is the traditional model of peer review that many reviewers are comfortable with, and it facilitates a dispassionate critique of a manuscript.
- Editors-in-Chief
- Thilo Jakob,
- Ludger Klimek,
- Wolfram Hötzenecker
- Submission to first decision (median)
- 4 days
- Downloads
- 216,901 (2024)
Societies and partnerships
Latest articles
Anaphylaxis to lactase supplements may imitate cow milk allergy
- Lea Denise Wenger
- Anna Gschwend
- Lukas Joerg
letter to the editor Open access 28 February 2025 -
Fundamentals of laboratory diagnostics in allergology
- Christos Arsenis
- Styliani Taka
- Chrysanthi Skevaki
review Open access 26 February 2025 -
Developing novel test for allergy diagnostics: using today’s biochemical techniques
- Eric Whitters
- Kelline Rodems
- Tom de Poorter
review Open access 14 February 2025 -
Contact dermatitis: case report of an unusual manifestation in the context of an allergy to methylisothiazolinone
- Sanjive Rey
- Flurin Brand
- Oliver Fuchs
case report Open access 15 January 2025
Journal updates
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Journal information
- Electronic ISSN
- 2197-0378
- Abstracted and indexed in
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- Copyright information