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Announcing the launch of Mini Reviews

Mini review - two books and a smartphone demonstrating that the article type can be read anywhere

Concise overview articles of key topics in neurodegeneration, which can be read wherever you are, whenever suits you. 

Find out more here

New Thematic Series - AI in Dementia

AI in Dementia Research

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy presents a thematic series focusing on the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and related techniques in dementia research. 

Find out more about the series here.


  1. Authors: Janna I. R. Dijkstra, Lisa Vermunt, Vikram Venkatraghavan, Georgii Ozhegov, Emma M. Coomans, Rik Ossenkoppele, Elsmarieke van de Giessen, Marc Hulsman, Christa M. de Geus, Wiesje M. van der Flier, Sietske A. M. Sikkes, Frederik Barkhof, Betty Tijms, Alida A. Gouw, Willem de Haan, Everard G. B. Vijverberg…

  2. Authors: Kirsten E. J. Wesenhagen, Diederick M. de Leeuw, Jori Tomassen, Johan Gobom, Isabelle Bos, Stephanie J. B. Vos, Pablo Martinez-Lage, Mikel Tainta, Julius Popp, Gwendoline Peyratout, Magda Tsolaki, Rik Vandenberghe, Yvonne Freund-Levi, Frans Verhey, Simon Lovestone, Johannes Streffer…

  1. Authors: Chad J. Swanson, Yong Zhang, Shobha Dhadda, Jinping Wang, June Kaplow, Robert Y. K. Lai, Lars Lannfelt, Heather Bradley, Martin Rabe, Akihiko Koyama, Larisa Reyderman, Donald A. Berry, Scott Berry, Robert Gordon, Lynn D. Kramer and Jeffrey L. Cummings

    The Correction to this article has been published in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2022 14:70

Early Career Researcher Reviewer Panel

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Interested in an introduction to peer reviewing articles for Alzheimer's Research & Therapy?

Find out more about our ECR Peer Reviewer Panel!

Aims and scope

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy is the major forum for translational research into Alzheimer's disease. An international peer-reviewed journal, it publishes open access basic research with a translational focus, as well as clinical trials, research into drug discovery and development, and epidemiologic studies. The journal also provides reviews, viewpoints, commentaries, debates and reports.

Although the primary focus is Alzheimer's disease, the scope encompasses translational research into other neurodegenerative diseases.

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Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 8.0
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 8.3
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.687
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.608

    Speed 2024
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 8
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 125

    Usage 2024
    Downloads: 2,465,261
    Altmetric mentions: 2,432