- This book is unique because the principal story is rarely (if at all) told in charter or other kinds of schools.
- This volume is unique because few charter schools seek to empower staff and students beyond rewarding test scores.
- This story reveals the complexities of human interaction in an inner city arts school.
- This story speaks to the importance of decision-makers being present in a school.
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About this book
What happens when a Canadian principal, guided by the teachings of Fullan and Hargreaves, takes on the role of school leader in an inner-city charter school in the United States? This inside story of a principal in the DC charter school system, reveals much about the desire for educators and students to experience more than a life of multiple-choice testing that tends to be so commonplace in these schools. While such a case adds to the mound of research that supports the ‘change takes time’ findings, it nevertheless demonstrates the reality, on a day-to-day basis, of what’s worth fighting for in schools. Student and teacher engagement and empowerment matter, and to get to such ends, a school must fiercely focus on targets well beyond test scores.
This book speaks about how a budget reveals school values, and by shifting resources to support staff and student development, a school, coping with regular turnover, can be filled with more confident and capable community members. A school crawling with leaders emerged as more student, teacher and non-instructional staff were supported in new roles, aimed at building an inspired culture, with the talent and capacity to move others to action. The old ways of ‘doing school’ do not address the needs of the 21st century learner, and while many forces with limited views of education were at play, this story does provide an example of what promising things can and should happen to increase engagement and learning in more charter schools across America.
“Dr. Barbara Smith’s narrative of her times in public charter schools offers all of us insights into the struggle to create schools of high academic quality and compassionate care, worthy of her educational mandate and mission.” – David Booth, Professor Emeritus, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
“Dr. Smith’s message inspires me to be an advocate for education and her work will inspire you as well!” – Jalen Rose,Chair of Board of Directors, Jalen Rose Leadership Academy, Detroit, Michigan, ESPN Commentator
“This inside look provides an opportunity for innovation in a field that has held to aging standards for far too long!” – Diane C. Manica, Former Director, Leadership and Accreditation, University of Detroit Mercy
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Table of contents (42 chapters)
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Bibliographic Information
Book Title: A Charter School Principal’s Story
Book Subtitle: A View from the Inside
Authors: Barbara Smith
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6351-218-3
Publisher: SensePublishers Rotterdam
eBook Packages: Education, Education (R0)
Copyright Information: SensePublishers-Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2017
eBook ISBN: 978-94-6351-218-3Published: 05 December 2017
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: CCXVI, 20
Topics: Education, general