- Editors:
Dan Givoli
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Technion — Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Marcus J. Grote
Department of Mathematics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
George C. Papanicolaou
Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
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About this book
ThisvolumecelebratestheeightiethbirthdayofJosephB. Keller. The authors who contributed to this volume belong to what can be called the “Keller school of applied mathematics. ” They are former students, postdoctoral fellows and visiting scientists who have collaborated with Joe (some of them still do) during his long career. They all look at Joe as their ultimate (role) model. JoeKeller’sdistinguishedcareerhasbeendividedbetweentheCourant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, where he received all his degrees (his PhD adviser being the great R. Courant himself) and served as a professor for 30 years, and Stanford University, where he has been since 1978. The appended photos highlight some scenes from the old days. Those who know Joe Keller’s work have been always amazed by its diversity and breadth. It is considered a well-known truth that there is not a single important area in applied mathematics or physics which Keller did not contribute to. This can be appreciated, for example, by glancing through his list of publication included in this volume. App- priately, the papers in this book, written with Joe’s inspiration, cover a variety of application areas; together they span the broad subject of mathematical modeling. The models discussed in the book describe the behavior of various systems such as those related to ?nance, waves, - croorganisms, shocks, DNA, ?ames, contact, optics, ?uids, bubbles and jets. Joe’s activity includes many more areas, which unfortunately are not represented here.
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Table of contents (12 chapters)
Front Matter
Pages i-xxxix
- Russel E. Caflisch, Suneal Chaudhary
Pages 1-16
- S. Childress, E. A. Spiegel
Pages 33-52
- John K. Hunter, Allen M. Tesdall
Pages 93-112
- Jacob Rubinstein, Gershon Wolansky
Pages 181-198
Back Matter
Pages 239-241
Editors and Affiliations
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Technion — Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Dan Givoli
Department of Mathematics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Marcus J. Grote
Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
George C. Papanicolaou