- Contains a complete review of the results of the VH(bb) analysis in the extreme Higgs boson
- Shows the first ZZ(bb) and WZ(bb) cross-section measurements at centre-of-mass of 13 TeV
- Uses of the large-R jet technique to measure the Higgs boson production cross-section
Part of the book series: Springer Theses (Springer Theses)
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About this book
The analysis described in this thesis is the search for the Higgs boson, decaying into bb pair, in the associated production with a vector boson, in the extreme Higgs boson transverse momentum region where the Higgs boson is reconstructed using the large-R jet technique. The use of the large-R jets allows to add a part of the phase space unexplored so far, which is particularly sensitive to possible new physics.
The analysed data have been collected at LHC by the ATLAS detector between 2015 and 2018 at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV. The same dataset has been used to perform the differential pp → ZH and pp → WH cross-section measurements used to extract the information on the Higgs couplings and to put limits on Beyond the Standard Model effects.
Furthermore the analysis has been re-used to perform a cross-section measurement of the diboson ZZ and WZ processes because the dibosonand the Higgs processes have a similar topology. For the first time the ZZ(bb) and WZ(bb) cross-sections are measured at √s = 13 TeV and the observed cross-section measurements are consistent with the Standard Model predictions.
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Table of contents (10 chapters)
Authors and Affiliations
About the author
Giulia Di Gregori is a particle physics researcher originally from Italy. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Physics and her Master’s degree in Physics of Fundamental Interactions at the University of Pisa. During her Master’s degree she was selected for the CERN Summer Student Programme, which was her first involvement in high energy physics. Once graduated, she decided to approach the work on the ATLAS data analysis and began her PhD at the University of Pisa. Her PhD research was on the Higgs sector, in particular on the associated production of a vector boson, decaying leptonically, and of a Higgs boson, decaying into a pair of b-quarks. Giulia is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the ATLAS experiment at the University of Pisa.
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: A Beauty-ful Boson
Book Subtitle: Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Vector Boson and Decaying into a Pair of b-quarks Using Large-R Jets with the ATLAS Detector
Authors: Giulia Di Gregorio
Series Title: Springer Theses
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-20013-7
Publisher: Springer Cham
eBook Packages: Physics and Astronomy, Physics and Astronomy (R0)
Copyright Information: The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-031-20012-0Published: 02 January 2023
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-031-20015-1Published: 03 January 2024
eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-20013-7Published: 01 January 2023
Series ISSN: 2190-5053
Series E-ISSN: 2190-5061
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XX, 215
Number of Illustrations: 15 b/w illustrations, 108 illustrations in colour
Topics: Particle and Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory