- Authors:
James G. Simmonds
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Thornton Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
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About this book
When I was an undergraduate, working as a co-op student at North American Aviation, I tried to learn something about tensors. In the Aeronautical En gineering Department at MIT, I had just finished an introductory course in classical mechanics that so impressed me that to this day I cannot watch a plane in flight-especially in a tum-without imaging it bristling with vec tors. Near the end of the course the professor showed that, if an airplane is treated as a rigid body, there arises a mysterious collection of rather simple looking integrals called the components of the moment of inertia tensor. Tensor-what power those two syllables seemed to resonate. I had heard the word once before, in an aside by a graduate instructor to the cognoscenti in the front row of a course in strength of materials. "What the book calls stress is actually a tensor. . . ." With my interest twice piqued and with time off from fighting the brush fires of a demanding curriculum, I was ready for my first serious effort at self instruction. In Los Angeles, after several tries, I found a store with a book on tensor analysis. In my mind I had rehearsed the scene in which a graduate stu dent or professor, spying me there, would shout, "You're an undergraduate.
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Table of contents (4 chapters)
Authors and Affiliations
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Thornton Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
James G. Simmonds