Recently, knowledge distillation has achieved excellent results in unsupervised anomaly detection. The representation difference of anomalies between teacher and student model is an essential basis for unsupervised anomaly detection. To fully exploit the diversity of anomaly representations, a novel distillation network is proposed for unsupervised anomaly detection, consisting of a complete teacher network and a set of non-directly-coupled student blocks. Instead of taking a complete network as a student which sequentially inherits the distilled knowledge from the previous layer, the student blocks are specifically designed, which independently take features of each layer of teacher network as their input and target to recover the multi-scale representation of the teacher. For each block, an adaptive weighted multi-branch feature extraction strategy is presented to enable the blocks to better focus on key messages from the teacher model. In addition, a feature reunion technique is given during distillation to make multi-scale features more robust to noisy input. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method achieves an outstanding performance on MVTec AD dataset. Compared with the baseline method, the proposed method improves by 2.21% at ROC-AUC of image level and improves by 1.00 and 2.22% for both ROC-AUC and PRO-AUC at pixel level.

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Feng, Z., Chen, Y. & Xie, L. Unsupervised anomaly detection via knowledge distillation with non-directly-coupled student block fusion. Machine Vision and Applications 34, 104 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-023-01454-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-023-01454-7