Posted October 20, 2024 by Bat Studios
Hello everyone,
Today we're releasing "Chapter 6 - Change" to you all. There still are some minor issues with this build, but we can't fix everything right now. It has something interesting in it, as all chapters from Light My Way tend to have :)
A note to all our readers:
I am aware that not all of you might be able to support us financially, but know that I can no longer afford to pay for the services of the coder and artist going forward. I don't think I am asking for much here, but every little donation helps move Light My Way forward. If you do enjoy it and you like the story and the characters, please consider supporting Bat Studios. Sharing the novel online or fan art would also help our visibility grow.
As it stands right now, I would be able to afford to pay for the production of a chapter in 6 month's time based on the income from Patreon and Kofi combined. The other option is for the novel to move on without any more CGs, animations, etc. Just text and sprites with blurred out backgrounds all put together with my very rudimentary coding skills. I mean, it could kind of work that way somehow, but it would definitely be a big mess :)
Chapter 7 is going to be produced and we've already made progress, but after that one, we will have to see how things are. This entire thing may sound weird, but I wanted to be transparent about my situation without disappearing at some random point or closing the project out of the blue. Honestly, if I could afford to pay for everything, I would. And I did. But I can't anymore. Maybe I will be able to again at some point in time.
With that not-so-nice part out of the way, I do hope you enjoy this chapter that will add even more to the chaos. And there's so much more coming :D
I'll announce the title of the next chapter sometime in November. Do make sure to follow our progress in the Novembear Jam where I plan to write a full 50k word novel in one month joining in on the very well known NaNoWriMo compeition as well. We'll have some surprises there as well.
Give us a follow on Twitter and remember to share our novel to your friends and followers!
As always, thank you for your support!
See you in Stradia!
- Hadrian Maximus