Posted September 25, 2024 by Arcadia Adair
Dropping another huge chapter on y'all today!
Last time, Dawn and Darlow made a promise to one another. It was a promise to stand by one another, to leave the Medulla behind, and to find their way together through the winding road their lives have become. With the combined psychic efforts of Dawn, Darlow, and some surprise help from the wayward fawn, Planet, the lovers fall together away from certainty. But other forces are still at play, The scrambler, Eclipse is still on the loose, their goals as unclear as ever. Tara and Dusk are still using Lesedi to find Dawn. Lording above it all, the far reaching influence of the Galactic Overmind presents an even more vague threat than the Scrambler. Can Dawn ever really get out of this mess, even with Darlow's help?
You'll have to read chapter 16 of Hearts Faster Than Light, A Heavenly Spark to find out!