Sketchbook Online 1.02 Notes
Posted May 25, 2023 by dingasu
#patch notes
The inventory slot update may shift your inventory, bank, and skills around so simply move them back and they'll work again
General Features
- Added 4 new cosmetics (eyepatch, hairclip, etc)
- Added more inventory slots
- Added Wheat Whacker (harvesting tool) and Mage Buster (judge weapon)
- 2 new skills for Dragoon
Balance Changes
- Adjusted the EXP curve even more (30% increase per level)
- Reworked Steel Emperor to be a shotgun that does more damage at close range
- Reworked Pincer Punchers to be a hybrid Defense/Attack weapon instead as well as changing Takedown to scale with Defense
- Slightly reduced the damage of Flurry Strikes as it was just outclassing everything else by a long shot, even with the drawback of it costing health to use
- Adjusted Wooden Cane to be slower in favor of bigger splash damage
- Significant scaling increase to Heat Ray
- Adjusted much of Judge's kit to be more potent overall, like Grand Flash stunning and having a large radius as well as Smite and Holy Rays hitting harder
- Changed Silencing Blade to Stunning Blade as it just wasn't making the cut for Spell Sword being a somewhat solo class
- Food is more potent and easier to make
- Slightly buffed King Crab and Smasher's damage
- Reduced Trukly's healing a bit
- Countless tooltips and other small oversights, thank you to everyone who pointed these out!
- Fixed the level cap breaking because the EXP required to level got to ludicrous amounts
- Brawler's Blade Stop not being telegraphed well