Sketchbook Online 1.01 Notes
Posted May 20, 2023 by dingasu
#patch notes
- Added a secret boss
- Added 2 more cosmetic slots so you can customize your character more
- Added Blast Book (Spell Sword), Soul Stealers (Brawler), and The Poker (Priest)
- Made all classes sturdier with more base Defense and HP as well as HP growth per level
- Raised the level cap from 25 to 50 and adjusted the EXP curve so players may continue to enjoy building their character without hitting a massive wall at just around Level 17-18
- You now lose 2% of your current EXP on death as a compromise to the previous two changes. Be careful out there!
- Various hotfixes before this patch like minor balance changes and bug fixes
Thank you everyone for trying this game out!! I'm still working a traditional job and have other responsibilities, so updates might not be at the best rate, but I hope that you all continue to enjoy this little game :)