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· last updated
2023-11-10 03:04:58
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Journeys Into the Unknown
A 4-Stat, Point-Buy, OSR-Inspired Game of Deadly Adventure.
Torch Heart
A Solo TTRPG of light in the darkness
Whimsy Machine
Frozen Breath
As Scouts you must endure the winter wastes of an alien world or humanity might take its last Frozen Breath
Last Tea Shop Expanded Edition
A solo game about running a tea shop on the border of the living and the dead.
Spring Villager
Project Hypaethrus: Windows To Time
Travel to the Past to build a better Future...
Hessan Yongdi
To (Scratched Out) For Everything
metatextual storytelling inspired by La Dispute's album Wildlife
World Champ Game Co.
Exquisite Biome
A game of speculative biology
Caro Asercion
Build a Witch
A character creation pack for role playing or storytelling.
Eliot Crow
Rise of the Apes
Evolution turned Revolution
The Haunting of Abimond Manor
A ghostly adventure for fantasy TTRPGs
Cat Elm
Unhaunt This House
Explore the Distorted Emotional Nightmare of a Haunt as Investigators with Supernatural Powers
A dungeon for tabletop adventure games
Highland Paranormal Society
The Road To Hell
The Devil is dead. What will Hell look like without him?
Games by Mitch
Monday The First
Survival horror TTRPG, Spun By The Bottle.
S.H.A.D.O.W. Hunters
Hunt. Shoot. Survive. Things go bump in the night and S.H.A.D.O.W. bumps back: stare into the darkness, and fight back.
Maps 'N' Quests
Enter locations displaced by memory. Confront the dead.
kay w.
A game for finding mysterious creatures, and hopefully kissing them.
Tadhg Lyons
Requiem among shadows
In bundle
A TTRPG where you may survive The Darkness through your dexterity and precision.
Mundos Infinitos
The Drain
An Occult Mothership Funnel
Anodyne Printware
Forget-Me-Not: Myosotis
Create characters from the memories they left behind.
The Vampire Next Door
A game for bold and meddling kids
Cat Elm
What's So Cool About Lucha Libre?
A rules-lite Borderpunk RPG about superheroic luchadores fighting evil for 1 GM and 1+ players.
Color Spray Games
Brightcove Estate
a 23 page 5e adventure with illustrations by OnyxPanthyr Creative Arts, 3 complete battlemaps, and 9 GM Gene creatures
GM Gene
Medicine Run
a 5e mini adventure/one shot set in an icy mountain pass for any average party level
GM Gene
A tabletop roleplaying game about fate and destiny
Armiger Games
No Landlubbers Allowed!
Random buccaneers, boats and booty to spice up any high-seas dice game!
Into the Weird Blue Yonder
This is a short TTRPG I made.
Revenge Is A Poison
A Wretched & Alone game of Revenge
S.A. Young
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