
121 Pins
Very accurate but we always get back up #TeamPisces #Repost #ZodiacSigns #thepiscesareus via @the_one_ladyred
I'm fine with Libra being a 3 since I'm not the nicest person but Scorpio being the meanest is so untrue. Since my best friend is soooo nice
Always overthinking
Pisces Likes and Dislikes - They like spiritual themes, time alone, visual media, time to sleep, romance, music, and swimming. They dislike know-it-alls, the past coming back to haunt, being criticized, cruelty of any kind.
Libra Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility - Ask My Oracle
Love match compatibility between Libra man and Pisces woman. Read about the Libra male love relationship with Pisces female.
Tag a #Pisces | #zodiaccity