View SourcePhoenix is a web development framework written in Elixir which implements the server-side Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. Many of its components and concepts will seem familiar to those of us with experience in other web frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Python's Django.
Phoenix provides the best of both worlds - high developer productivity and high application performance. It also has some interesting new twists like channels for implementing realtime features and pre-compiled templates for blazing speed.
If you are already familiar with Elixir, great! If not, there are a number of places to learn. The Elixir guides and the Elixir learning resources page are two great places to start.
The guides that you are currently looking at provide an overview of all parts that make Phoenix. Here is a rundown of what they provide:
Introduction - the guides you are currently reading. They will cover how to get your first application up and running
Guides - in-depth guides covering the main components in Phoenix and Phoenix applications
Authentication - in-depth guide covering how to use
mix phx.gen.auth
Real-time components - in-depth guides covering Phoenix's built-in real-time components
Testing - in-depth guides about testing
Deployment - in-depth guides about deployment
How-to's - a collection of articles on how to achieve certain things with Phoenix
If you would prefer to read these guides as an EPUB, click here!
Note, these guides are not a step-by-step introduction to Phoenix. If you want a more structured approach to learning the framework, we have a large community and many books, courses, and screencasts available. See our community page for a complete list.