Office Equipment
Maintaining Productivity for Companies and Teams
Office Equipment
Maintaining Productivity for Companies and Teams
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Office Equipment Use Cases

Use Case: Field Technician Support
Field technicians often arrive at a customer location only to discover they require additional support. They may not have the knowledge and experience needed to handle the given task. Or they didn’t have enough information prior to the visit that would have allowed them to arrive better prepared.
Sending additional support to the job can be costly. And makes it important that technicians arrive onsite prepared to fix the problem the first time.
With remote visual assistance technology, field technicians receive real time support. This is without having to physically send more (or any) people to the job.

Use Case: Office Equipment Installation
Office equipment installation is typically dependent on the installation engineer’s availability. Getting engineers on site is costly and time consuming.
Remote virtual assistance software enables engineers to use their expertise virtually guide customers through the installation process. They can provide accurate directions, and call in additional experts as needed.
Support is available in real time, helping to ensure that office equipment is properly installed. This is true even if the person doing the hands-on work is not familiar with the installation process.

Use Case: Dynamic Customer Support
Customer service expectations have evolved alongside new and innovative technologies. Customers expect immediate attention, and they want quick answers with fast resolution.
Remote visual assistance technology helps customer support professionals provide customers with very specific guidance. Using a shared screen, technicians show customers how to resolve their problems.
If the issue cannot be resolved, remote virtual assistance technology provides a complete picture of the customer’s needs. It allows an onsite technician or a customer to fix the problem the first time.
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Office Equipment

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