Advanced C++ Mastery: OOPs and Template Techniques

Course Description

The ‘Advanced C++ with OOP & Template Techniques’ course is specially designed to help you master advanced C++ concepts for high-performance application development. The best time to get this course is when you are an intermediate developer who is aiming to go deeper into C++ programming.
The entire course encompasses advanced C++ features like OOP, templates, error handling, polymorphism, and overloading. It also helps you understand and master Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts including inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism and abstraction. It also helps you handle errors and exceptions for solid software development.
By the end of this course, you should be able to gain the skills to tackle complex C++ programming challenges while also developing high-performance, reusable and scalable applications. These skills will help you get a job in various job fields such as and work as Software Developer, Embedded Systems Engineer, C++ Developer, Game Developer and Systems Architect.

Course Curriculum

What you'll learn

  • Setting Up C++ Environment: How to set up a local C++ coding environment for practical coding experience.
  • Advanced OOP Concepts: Detailed exploration of object-oriented principles like inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.
  • C++ Templates: Learn to implement class and function templates to write reusable, type-safe code.
  • Error Handling & Exceptions: Techniques to effectively handle runtime errors and exceptions for robust applications.
  • Overloading Methods: Master the art of method overloading for flexible code design.
  • Polymorphism & Abstract Classes: Using polymorphism to make code more secure and adaptable.
  • Dynamic Operators & Conversions: Understanding dynamic operators and conversions in C++ programming.
  • Generative AI for Prompt Engineering: Exposure to advanced AI concepts and how they relate to C++ coding in the context of prompt engineering.
  • Hands-on Exercises: Participate in coding exercises that simulate real-world problems and solutions.

Who Should Enrol

  • Intermediate C++ Developers: Individuals interested in enhancing their knowledge and understanding of C++.
  • Software Development Enthusiasts: Application developers looking to level up their C++ skills.
  • Aspiring C++ Professionals: Individuals who want to become proficient and independent programmers.
  • Career Changers: Individuals wanting to transition into software development or specialised C++ fields.


  • Basic C++ knowledge is a must.
  • Computer with internet access.
  • Enthusiasm for learning

About the Expert

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Metla Sudha Sekhar

IT Specialist and Developer

Mr. Sudha Sekhar, He is a Teacher and an IT Specialist, and also passionate to teach every single real-time step that leads students as well as professionals to become successful and the vision to impart Good Quality Software Education to all I.T to aspirants make a strong bridge the gap between the software companies requirements and the beginners.


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Advanced C++ Mastery: OOPs and Template Techniques
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