Please ensure that you manually create a folder named ‘wef’ like the following at ~/Library/Containers/

Microsoft defines this special folder to enable local Add-ins in Word application. If this folder does not exist, the following reminder will pop up during GPTLocalhost installation.

After the “wef” folder is ready, GPTLocalhost will require your permission to install itself as a local Word Add-in. Please follow these steps.

  • Click “Install Word Add-in locally” to trigger the installation.

  • On Mac, a local Word Add-in requires a “manifest.xml” file in the “wef” folder. GPTLocalhost installation will create the file for you automatically. During installation, the following message will pop up to remind you to select the “wef” folder for granting access.

  • Next, the installation will pop up a dialog box with “wef” folder as the target to open. Please click “Open” button to grant access.
  • Once done, you will see the following confirmation.

  • After all settings, you can click “Done” in the following to finish the installation.

  • Now you can now activate GPTLocalhost as a local Add-in in Microsoft Word and use your favorite local LLM server(s).