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238 pages, Hardcover
First published March 1, 2016
that “biology is destiny,” but quite the opposite, that we are most free from biological constraints in proportion as we understand those inclinations and predispositions with which evolution has endowed us.
a study of the aggressive behavior of Norwegian pre-school children found that little boys were reprimanded more than girls for their aggression—in psych-speak, they were “negatively reinforced”—and yet they remained consistently more aggressive.
Polygamy—both polygyny and polyandry—really does lead to a kind of “war between the sexes,” whereas monogamy leads to shared interests.
although “good” for the future of the relevant genes, this is a far cry from anything remotely approximating moral or ethical desirability.
I submit that the minds of women are every bit as capable of such creativity as are the minds of men, but that to an extent not commonly found in women, men are encouraged, or in some cases, even driven by their biology to act upon, and, moreover, to publicize whatever distinctive qualities they possess. And of course, such behavior is encouraged—even admired—in many cultural traditions as well, in ways that counterpart activities by women are not.