A directory with samples:
- clickhouse_service - Clickhouse usage sample.
- config_service - Dynamic Config Service stub. See uservice-dynconf for a fully functional dynamic configs service. Documentation
- flatbuf_service - some service that uses FlatBuffers over HTTP. Documentation
- grpc_service - gRPC client and server usage sample. Documentation
- hello_service - introduction service that says "Hello world". Documentation
- http_caching - sample implementation of low-level caching component. Documentation
- mongo_service - sample service that uses MongoDB. Documentation
- mongo-support - distlock using MongoDB
- multipart_service - sample on how to receive files and deal with multipart/form-data requests
- postgres_auth - custom "Bearer" authentication that uses PostgreSQL. Documentation
- postgres_service - sample service that uses PostgreSQL. Documentation
- postgres-support - distlock using PostgreSQL
- production_service - close to the production sample service. Documentation
- rabbitmq_service - RabbitMQ usage sample
- kafka_service - Kafka producer and consumer usage sample. Documentation
- redis_service - sample service that uses Redis. Documentation
- static_service - HTTP server that server static data
- tcp_full_duplex_service - low-level TCP full-duplex server implementation. Documentation
- tcp_service - low-level TCP half-duplex server implementation. Documentation
- testsuite-support - small samples of testsuite functionality. Documentation
- json2yaml - non coroutine console tool Documentation