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Cybersecurity involves protecting systems, networks, and data from cyber threats. This field encompasses a wide range of practices and technologies designed to safeguard information from unauthorized access, attacks, damage, or theft. Cybersecurity includes preventive measures such as firewalls, encryption, and secure coding practices, as well as detection and response strategies like intrusion detection systems and incident response plans. This topic covers the principles, best practices, and latest trends in cybersecurity, including emerging threats and the evolving landscape of cyber defense.

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Villain is a high level stage 0/1 C2 framework that can handle multiple reverse TCP & HoaxShell-based shells, enhance their functionality with additional features (commands, utilities) and share them among connected sibling servers (Villain instances running on different machines).

  • Updated Jan 19, 2025
  • Python

Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, Malware Bazaar, ThreatFox, Triage, InQuest, VxExchange and IPInfo, and it is also able to scan Android devices against VT.

  • Updated Jan 24, 2025
  • Python

CISO Assistant is a one-stop-shop for GRC, covering Risk, AppSec and Compliance/Audit Management and supporting +70 frameworks worldwide with auto-mapping: NIST CSF, ISO 27001, SOC2, CIS, PCI DSS, NIS2, CMMC, PSPF, GDPR, HIPAA, Essential Eight, NYDFS-500, DORA, NIST AI RMF, 800-53, 800-171, CyFun, CJIS, AirCyber, NCSC, ECC, SCF and so much more

  • Updated Mar 25, 2025
  • Python

Created by The cybersecurity community


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