Scraper for the spanish real estate website
Housing rent map in Comunidad de Madrid / Mapa del alquiler en la Comunidad de Madrid
Visualization the history of repository changes based on data from GitHub
Un gráfico interactivo hecho con plotly de las series históricas de precios del alquiler de decenas de ciudades españolas.
XChart is a light-weight Java library for plotting data.
FoRmulaTV is a simple web scraper for downloading spanish tv audience data from
Data visualisation showing how I use the Terminal
Interactive visualization of networks based on Ulf Aslak's d3 web app.
Advent of Code statistics for the first 100 submissions visualized
Analyzing football dataset from kaggle
Screen Scraping of UC3M Alumni database and degree-duration analysis.
A suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.
Small project to classify asteroids using k-means clustering algorithm using Tinybird