This project is a basic function test on GOWIN GW5AT-60K, it base on Sipeed Tang MEGA 60K, it uses a TANG_SDRAM_V1.3 and a PMOD-LEDx8 to run a sdram write & read test.
- Provied a specialized SDRAM controller, total available SDRAM size is 64MB or 512Mb
- Up to 133MHz SDRAM & Operating clock in default
- SDRAM write & read test, show the result via a Indicator LED or UART(baudrate is 115200)
- Maybe also simple a UART controller
This demo is forked form LicheeTang25k_SDRAM by @ZiyangYE, and here is the orignal README. And it now is tested on Sipeed Tang MEGA 60k, which mainchip is GW5AT-LV60PGG484AC1/l0 or GW5AT-LV60PG484AES.
| -- docs --> manuals and documentation
| `-- images --> picture resources
|-- src --> project sources
|-- impl --> project config & implementation
|`-- sdram_neo.fs.7z --> prbuild bitstream(zipped)
|`-- sdram_neo.gprj.user --> project conf.
|`-- sdram_neo.gprj --> demo project
Please confirm that you have the following conditions:
- GOWIN IDE Version ≥ 1.9.10
- DO NOT use GOWIN Programmer version, for this version contains many issues with onboard debugger.
- You can get a windows GOWIN Programmer version Alpha for HERE
The VCCX should be set to 1.8V due to hardware design of Sipeed Tang MEGA 60K In GOWIN IDE, this configuration item is located in the project(menu)-Configuration-Place & Route-Voltage-VCCX
- Assemble a PMOD-LEDx8 module installed on the LEFT SIDE PMOD connector on the dock board, then install a TANG_SDRAM_V1.3 module on the BOTTOM SIDE 2x20P connector on the dock board.
- Download & Complie the project, then downloading the bitstream to you board.
- You can also try using the prebuilt bitstream, but remember to unzip it before downloading.
- Press KEY.2 to trigger SDRAM W/R test, then check if the indicator LED is on.
- You can also check the UART output the get the test result.
Write aaaa ffff 0000 to ram0.
Write 5555 0000 ffff to ram1.
Read from ram0:
Read from ram1:
This demo uses a LED to indicate status, by default it is T18.
You need a PMOD_LED module to get the indicator LEDs, just plug the module into the LEFT connector near the board edge.
1 button (KEY.2) use to trigger the SDRAM TEST.
Please refer to the orignal README first. You can enable the rao file in the project to use the GAO for debug.