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Dumps of HydraNFC Shield v2 (STMicroelectronics ST25R3916 NFC chipset communication using SPI + IRQ pin)

Dumps of HydraNFC Shield v2 (STMicroelectronics ST25R3916 NFC chipset communication using SPI + IRQ pin)
Those dumps are intended to be analyzed with st25r3916_spi decoder

Hardware setup for the capture

* HydraBus v1 Rev1.4 + HydraNFC Shield v2 R1.4
 * Using firmware ( HydraFW (HydraBus v1/HydraNFC Shield v2) v0.1-beta-11-g682a268 2020-07-13
 * HydraBus SPI Master is configured with signal 0_CLK @10.5MHz, CLK Polarity=0, CLK Phase=1, Bit order=Send/receive MSB first

Tag ISO/IEC 14443-A (106 kbps) ST25TA02K-P (CLOUD-ST25TA MB1207-B) NFC Forum Type 4 Tag (
 * Read UID of the tag
 * nfc-a scan
 * NFC-A UID:02A20071C84F90

Tag ISO/IEC 14443-B
 * Read UID of the tag (nfc-b scan)
 * nfc-b scan
 * NFC-B UID:00422099

Tag ISO/IEC 15693 Vicinity ST25 (5cm x 5cm Tag)
 * Read UID of the tag
  * nfc-v scan
  * NFC-V UID:E0022300265F64F2

ST25R3916 Registers Space A & B after init
 * Read all ST25R3916 Registers Space A & B
  * show registers
  * ST25R3916 Registers space A:
	*	0x00    : 0x07
	*	0x01    : 0x3c
	*	0x02    : 0x83
	*	0x03    : 0x08
	*	0x04    : 0x00
	*	0x05    : 0x00
	*	0x06    : 0x00
	*	0x07    : 0x00
	*	0x08    : 0x50
	*	0x09    : 0x00
	*	0x0a    : 0x00
	*	0x0b    : 0x08
	*	0x0c    : 0x2d
	*	0x0d    : 0xd8
	*	0x0e    : 0x00
	*	0x0f    : 0x0c
	*	0x10    : 0x00
	*	0x11    : 0x00
	*	0x12    : 0x00
	*	0x13    : 0x84
	*	0x14    : 0x6c
	*	0x15    : 0x80
	*	0x16    : 0xff
	*	0x17    : 0xff
	*	0x18    : 0xff
	*	0x19    : 0xfb
	*	0x1a    : 0x00
	*	0x1b    : 0x00
	*	0x1c    : 0x00
	*	0x1d    : 0x00
	*	0x1e    : 0x00
	*	0x1f    : 0x00
	*	0x20    : 0x00
	*	0x21    : 0x00
	*	0x22    : 0x00
	*	0x23    : 0x00
	*	0x24    : 0x00
	*	0x25    : 0xdf
	*	0x26    : 0x49
	*	0x27    : 0x45
	*	0x28    : 0x70
	*	0x29    : 0x5f
	*	0x2a    : 0x11
	*	0x2b    : 0x00
	*	0x2c    : 0x00
	*	0x2d    : 0x00
	*	0x2e    : 0x00
	*	0x2f    : 0x00
	*	0x30    : 0x00
	*	0x31    : 0x12
	*	0x32    : 0x00
	*	0x33    : 0x00
	*	0x34    : 0x00
	*	0x35    : 0x00
	*	0x36    : 0x00
	*	0x37    : 0x00
	*	0x38    : 0x00
	*	0x39    : 0x00
	*	0x3a    : 0x00
	*	0x3b    : 0x00
	*	0x3c    : 0x00
	*	0x3d    : 0x00
	*	0x3e    : 0x00
	*	0x3f    : 0x2a
	*	ST25R3916 Registers space B:
	*	0x00    : 0x40
	*	0x01    : 0x00
	*	0x02    : 0x0c
	*	0x03    : 0x93
	*	0x04    : 0x00
	*	0x05    : 0x00
	*	0x06    : 0x33
	*	0x07    : 0x10
	*	0x08    : 0x7c
	*	0x09    : 0x80
	*	0x0a    : 0x04
	*	0x0b    : 0xe0
	*	0x0c    : 0x00
	*	0x0d    : 0x00
	*	0x0e    : 0x00
	*	0x0f    : 0x00

Capture details for all types of Tags
0_CLK:  HydraBus v1/STM32F405 PB10 SPI2 Master CLK out connected to HydraNFC Shield v2/ST25R3916 SPI Slave SCLK pin30 in
1_MISO: HydraBus v1/STM32F405 PC2 SPI2 Master MISO in connected to HydraNFC Shield v2/ST25R3916 SPI Slave MISO pin32 out
2_MOSI: HydraBus v1/STM32F405 PC3 SPI2 Master MOSI out connected to HydraNFC Shield v2/ST25R3916 SPI Slave MOSI pin31 in
3_CS#:  HydraBus v1/STM32F405 PC1 SPI2 Master CS out connected to HydraNFC Shield v2/ST25R3916 SPI Slave BSS pin29 in
4_IRQ:  HydraBus v1/STM32F405 PA1 IRQ Input in connected to HydraNFC Shield v2/ST25R3916 IRQ pin27 out

SPI / ST25R3916 Configuration:
CS# Polarity active-low
Clock polarity 0
Clock phase 1
Bit order msb-first
Word size 8