# Servier Open Source Hub
Welcome to the [Servier](https://servier.com/en/) Hub on GitHub.<br>
This initiative showcases [Open Source software, contributed, inspired or built by Servier and its people](https://github.com/topics/servier).

## Why open sourcing some of our software?
At Servier, we believe in [Open Innovation](https://servier.com/en/research-innovation/open-innovation/) as the best way to meet patient needs through collaboration and constant dialogue between those involved in health care in both the public and private sectors.

Beyond [scientific research](https://servier.com/en/research-innovation/), [Digital, Data and Information Systems are also a key element of our innovation and transformation](https://servier.com/en/newsroom/digital-data-pillars-transformation/).<br>
So [open source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source) software and the people behind it are a natural way of fostering a technological culture within our Group.

**We love our science and "tech" people and value their achievements!** [![Servier Powered](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/servierhub/.github/main/badges/powered.svg)](https://servier.com/en/)

## How to submit your project to the Servier Hub?
* Link your own (Servier-related) Github repositories to the project by using the [servier topic](https://github.com/topics/servier).
* Add a [Servier badge](https://github.com/servierhub/.github) to your README.
* Request to showcase your project within the Servier Hub organization (we will fork only the main repository in the case of multi-repo projects).
* Select an appropriate [license](https://opensource.org/license) with us.

## How to contribute to our projects?
We welcome contributions from anyone (ideas, issues, modifications, add-ons, etc.).<br>
Feel free to [fork](https://docs.github.com/fr/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/fork-a-repo) our projects
and send [pull requests](https://docs.github.com/fr/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-pull-requests) for your contributions.

## We are hiring!
Check our [Digital, Data and Information Systems job opportunities](https://jobs.servier.com/search/?createNewAlert=false&q=&optionsFacetsDD_customfield4=Digital%2C+Data+%26+Syst%C3%A8mes+d%27information)!<br>
Our group also offers a wide range of other [job opportunities](https://jobs.servier.com/?locale=en_GB) [all over the world](https://servier.com/en/servier-group/servier-throughout-the-world/).