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Dev guideline

When we develop on this project, each time your import component from core-ui. Make sure to import the component directly from the component file.

We need to do that because we have this configuration on module federation :

'@scality/core-ui': {
    singleton: true,

We want to avoid to set the option eager: true because will load core-ui completely at the beginning and cause significative performance issues.

Legacy - solutions-navbar

Common navbar that can be integrated in metalk8s solution UI to provide the following features :

  • Authentication : token negociation, token renewal, claims provider
  • Theming : provide the selected theme to solution UIs
  • I18n : provide a language selector and expose selected language to solution UIs


$ npm run start


$ npm run build


<script src="./dist/main.js"></script>
    scopes="openid mail scope"



  • oidc-provider-url : string, required, the component will suffix it with .well-known/openid-configuration to retrieve OIDC configuration

  • scopes : string, required, scopes negiciated with the oidc provider

  • client-id : string, required

  • redirect-url : string, customized redirect uri

  • provider-logout: boolean, if true, redirect to the provider logout endpoint.

  • options : {[url: string]: {en: string, fr: string, roles: string[]}} -- eg : {"/": {en: "Overview", fr: "Vue generale", roles: ["admin"]}, "/platform": {en: "Platform", fr: "Infrastructure"}, ...} - by default we display the full navbar in static mode, this attribute can be used if we want to extends the menu in a specific context


  • logOut(providerLogout: boolean): void - force logOut, might be called when an UI receive a 401 or 403 status code for example. If providerLogout true, redirect to the provider logout endpoint.
  • getClaims(): Promise
  • getIdToken(): Promise - jwtToken
  • getLanguage(): "en" | "fr"
  • getTheme(): Theme
  • getOptions(): {[url: string]: {en: string, fr: string}}


  • solutions--authenticated, payload: {token, claims: {roles, instanceIds, firstName, lastName, email, scopes, ...}} --- also called when the token is renewed
  • solutions--logged-out, payload : {}
  • solutions--theme-changed, payload: {theme}
  • solutions--language-changed, payload: {language: "en" | "fr"}