- CLI flattening
- require('pm2') possible to interact with
- deployment system
- Remove builtin monitoring feature
- Fix watch on delete #514
- Gracefull reload now rightly handled #502
- Allow path in watch option #501
- Allow management of non-interpreted binaries #499
- Documentation fixes
- Version bumping
- Fix CWD option #295
- Builtin monitoring feature with email (with pm2 subscribe)
- Reload Logs for Fork
- Deletion of possible circular dependencies error
- pm2 updatePM2 command to update in-memory pm2
- notification message if the in-memory pm2 is outdated
- cwd option in json #405 #417 #295
- README updates
- ipc channel for fork mode
- re enable process event loggin for interactor
- avoid possible stream error
- watch ignore option in JSON
- Update monitoring module
- Remove C++ binding for monitoring
- Update axon and axon-rpc
- Adds option to switch to a different user/group before starting a managed process #329
- watch doesnt watch node_module folder
- default log files and pid files location can be overidded by PM2_LOG_DIR / PM2_PID_DIR
- Readme changes #400 #398
- Fix describe command #403
- reload/gracefulReload throw error if no process has been reloaded #340
- More verbosity to pm2.log
- Fast Watch & Reload
- New README.md
- --merge-logs option to merge logs for a group of process
- logs reload with SIGUSR2 or
pm2 reloadLogs
- return failure code when no process has been reloaded
- Upgrade of outdated packages
- Silent (-s) flag remove all possible pm2 output to CLI
- New display for list, more compact
pm2 describe <id>
to get more details about a process- Fixed 0.10.x issue when stop/kill
- Helper shown when -h
- Linter errors
- Systemd support for Fedora / ArchLinux
- #381 Add support for Amazon Linux startup script
- Fixed rendering
- Interaction possible with VitalSigns.io
- Avoid exception when dump file is not present
- List processes with user right
service pm2-init.sh status
- Bug fixes, stability fixes
- harmony can be enabled Enabling harmony
- can pass any options to node via PM2_NODE_OPTIONS, configurable via ~/.pm2/custom_options.sh
- pid file written in ~/.pm2/pm2.pid
- startup script support for CentOS
- --no-daemon option (Alex Kocharin)
- json file now can be : started/stoped/restarted/deleted
- coffeescript support for new versions (Hao-kang Den)
- accept JSON via pipe from standard input (Ville Walveranta)
- adjusting logical when process got an uncaughtException (Ethanz)
- CentOS crontab option should not be used anymore and use the new init script with
pm2 startup centos
- If you use the configuration file or the harmonoy option, you should regenerate the init script
- Integrates hardened reload, graceful reload and strengthened process management
- Reload works at 100%
- Logs are now separated by process id
- Minimal listing with -m option
- pid files are deleted once process exit
- ping method to launch or knwo if pm2 is alive
- more tests
- coffeescript is supported in cluster mode
- clean exit
- clean process stopping
- speed process management enhanced
- async used instead of recuresive loops
- broad test for node 0.11.10 0.11.9 0.11.8 0.11.7 0.11.5 0.10.24 0.10.23 0.10.22 0.10.21 0.10.20 0.10.19 0.10.18 0.10.17 0.10.16 0.10.15 0.10.14 0.10.13 0.10.12 0.10.11 0.8
- Homogeneize JSON #186
- Auto intepreter selection (you can do pm2 start app.php)
- Coffeescript support
- Updating dependencies - axon - commander
- Log feature enhanced - duplicates removed - name or id can be passed to pm2 logs xxx
- Ability to set a name to a launched script + tests
- with the --name option when launching file
- with the "name" parameter for JSON files
- Ability to restart a script by name + tests
- Upgrade node-usage to 0.3.8 - fix monitoring feedback for MacOSx
- require.main now require the right file (activate it by modifying MODIFY_REQUIRE in constants.js)
- CentOS startup script with pm2 startup centos
- 0 downtime reload
- Remove unused variable in startup script
- Add options min_uptime max_restarts when configuring an app with JSON
- Remove pid file on process exit
- Command stopAll -> stop all | restartAll -> restart all (backward compatible with older versions)
- Hardening tests
- Cron mode to restart a script
- Arguments fully supported
- MacOSx monitoring possible